New to HCW

Hello all,

I'm new to the board and am currently looking for my first Civic Wagon. I've been lurking for a while and now I'm in love with these cars. I hope to have some good ideas and tech from reading HCW so that I can get started as soon as I find a decent wagon.

Thanks for the great site!


  • decent...mwuahahah...

    what gettin' hand dirty?
    we'll be here...
  • chenchochencho Band Wagon

    what gettin' hand dirty?

    Yeah I have no problems with that. It's hard to find a wagon in my area that's not completely beat, but I'm not unfamiliar with turning a wrench either 8)
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Welcome. Just keep an eye on Craigslist, it'll come up!
  • PebblesPebbles New Wagonist
    cool, somebody to meet when next we visit Plano :D
  • chenchochencho Band Wagon
    I'm looking at an AWD at the moment... It's pretty ragged out and was a smoker's car. Needs a lot of love but it may be cheap. Any AWD issues I need to know about, speak up.
  • chenchochencho Band Wagon
    Found a clean '90 Wagon! Will post pics in the Members Ride's section soon.
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