New member and manual question

Hi all, I recently (about a month ago) bought a red '91 4wd wagon. It's the first car that I've fully owned and paid for completely by myself, and I'm extremely psyched to do some work on it and get it back in tip-top shape. I've done a little bit of work on it so far, but I'm held back because the Chilton's manual that I bought off of doesn't actually have the 4wd wagon manual! :cry:

Does anyone know where I could get my hands on the correct version of this or a similar manual?

Additionally, I can't for the life of me find the part #'s for new wiper arms (both rear and front). If anyone has any help on that it would also be fantastic.

Thanks guys, I'm glad to be here. I'll post some pix of her once I get the fourth wheel back on :wink: .


  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Welcome along! I don't know the answer to your questions right off, but someone here will have a lead.
    For the part numbers, Check on Majestic Honda's site.

    The manuals- Maybe Is there a specific 4wd question that you have?
  • Thanks bam! Majestic doesn't list my '91 Civic 4wd, is the '87 going to be the same model?

    I'll check on Hondahookup.
    Checked on and again, I can't seem to find the '91 Civic 4wd... can anyone point me to the correct manual or at least a parts similar one?

    Thanks again!
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Well if you are a kiwi and living in NZ then a US-based manual won't be specific enough for some jobs, there were some odd differences between the domestic markets - some of which has been covered here on the forum.

    What is the start of the chassis code? E-EF4? E-EF5?
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    The manual I got from Autozone has the RT4WD in it, and no 87 will not do 91.
  • @Haydz I'm from the US, deadriverkiwi is an anagram for my name that has since become my online tag... though I now can see how it might be confusing in places where I don't want to masquerade as a New Zealander. I will check on the chassis code.

    @AlexanderieWolf That's good to know! I should have done that from the beginning.
  • Buy a HONDA factory shop manual . Best investment I ever made . Got mine on Ebay for $40 shipped about 2yrs ago .
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Yeah you'll be good with the USDM Service Manual but definately try and stay year specific just in case.
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