Bliss@9K Mild build UPDATE 1/28 Finally

pls bare with me this is my 1st build thread, so if theres anything wrong pls let me know :D

first off i got the car march 2010 havent done anything major to it but here a picture of how i got it.



My first mod

Few days after i picked up some GSR fat 5's from a friend for free

and thats it for now :lol:

got a few parts from my old cars and some parts given to me that im going to put on.sorry no pix
- yakima roofrack from my DA (not sure if it will fit)
- Wink mirror
- nardi steering wheel
- CRX eibach springs
- energy suspension bushings from my a friend again :)

The plan for the car is its going to be my DD/camping/snowboarding/biking/track support basically this is going to be a work horse so i want it realiable as possible..a friend of mine just crashed his 92 GSR so most of the parts is going on the wagon front and rear seats,front and rear brakes,aluminum radiator (if it fits :wink: )

goals for the wagon are:
- install the d series motor my friend gave me (came from 93 si)
- wheels 15" preferably
- lower
- nice OEM paint
- a lip! if i figure out what fits with little to no mods. 87 integra ,5th gen accord, DA lip what else?
- radio and speakers
- Side mirrors!!

progress is going to be slow because im not planning to dump a lot of money in to it, my other car is the priority..


  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    picture of the dirty Ass motor


    ill clean it up a bit tomorrow
  • Always liked fat fives . Good looking wagon .
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    Clean her up. She'll love you for it.
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Liking it. Good color and wheel choice!
  • Good luck on the build.
  • EDwEFprtsEDwEFprts Senior Wagonist
    keep up the work.
    love that cupholder.
    i remember when razo was so cool 10 years ago.
  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    ok was in the junkyard and got a lip from 88 integra and a side mirror from a wagon....

    heres some pix of the lip will i was putting it on...


    Side mirror

    ill come back to the junkyard this weekend coz i forgot to get the rear mudflaps! ecology is having a sale this weekend
    so ill get it 50% off. gyeah! :mrgreen:
  • Dash-N-CarsDash-N-Cars Senior Wagonist
    free flat 5's FTW!
  • goodie goodies...

    taking care...

    yummie pics...
    : )
    even durrrtay, still has potential...
  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    i have some good and not so good updates for the wagon....
    sorry this is all going to be iphone pics for now.

    installed my roofrack, DA GSR seats, lowered it and rear mudflaps i got from the junkyard. Heres it is at Long Beach Port


    then a friend sold me his d16z6
    but i sold it right away because i want a b20b swap now :D

    Cleaned up the engine bay and installed aluminum radiator for a DA.

    more to come...dinner time 1st! im hungry! lol
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Looks good. Keep with the updates, I love updates lol
  • unlimited02unlimited02 Senior Wagonist
    good looking wagon... yea take ur time and have fun with it... hope to see more...
  • stampernstampern Senior Wagonist
    Lookin' good - can't wait to see more.
  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    Thanks everybody 8)

    I have more updates!ive been doing a lot lately with the wagon but didnt post any so heres more!

    Picked these up! 15x7 +34 SSR RS-8's.. RS WATANABE (8 letters)
    Then disassembled them and got them repolished and painted, wanted it silver but my painter fucked up so he
    just charged me half of what the price is!
  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    :D heres some pics of it installed

  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    then this happend :x EFFFFINNN theives tried to take my wagon but did not suceed.

    They pry out my door
    Took my DA GSR headrest
    My S2000 Shiftknob, Longboard, and tried to take my wheels! notice the block on the side, they were
    going to put my wagon on blocks good thing i have a wheel lock!
    Scratch on the wheel another proof that they tried to take my wheels.
  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    so I bought these so i could have a little peace of mind.

    This is how its sits now just installed my extended tophats too and it rides great now!

    Tried painting the trim on the window :p
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Wow, that's how my driver door looks too. I hate thieves, can't afford to buy their own things so they think they can take others. The quick release will help a little but you should take out the ecu everynight too. Good luck and keep up the good work on the wagon, looks good.
  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    i dont know about taking out the ECU but im thinking of doing a kill switch soon.
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    I use to when I lived in Fontana, California along with the kill switch and alarm. It became the thing to do with me and my buddies. Carried a backpack with an ecu and our steering wheels. Looked dumb but we felt safer.
  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    lol this happend in fontana, california at my girls house lol i have alarm on it now too
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    I use to live right off cherry ave in the southridge area. Couldn't sleep with my wagon outside. Like I said though, it might seem dumb to do these extremities but you'll have that peace of mind, you know.
  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    thanks for the advice!i might do that right after i do my swap...
    picked up som eprelude foglights yesterday, but it will take some time for me to install it coz of school.
  • We should set up a wagon bait car and wait for thieves. Then have a hondacivicwagon beatdown!

  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    Justin-xxx wrote:
    We should set up a wagon bait car and wait for thieves. Then have a hondacivicwagon beatdown!


    Lets go!! i dont know why they tried to steal my wagon but not my s2k? i parked my S outside sometimes but they never tried, dont get me wrong i dont want nobody else touching the S but why the wagon? freakin theives dont know what they are doing :P
  • 1988rt1988rt Senior Wagonist
    You should get the clutch pedal club, I've had one of my wagons almost stolen to i went to autozone and got two for each wagon. Had to modify the gas pedal to put one on there but i have two on each wagon
  • Bliss@9kBliss@9k Band Wagon
    1988rt wrote:
    You should get the clutch pedal club, I've had one of my wagons almost stolen to i went to autozone and got two for each wagon. Had to modify the gas pedal to put one on there but i have two on each wagon

    they could just cut that with a bolt cuter.ive seen it happend. thanks for the info tho! :)
  • inceptioninception New Wagonist
    On your theft problem do two way alarm.I also like to do a kill switch as the cigarette lighter. If your on a tight budget its the way to go.This way you have to have your lighter to start your car...O and mount ur battery in the back so it can be drained and put a backup siren hidden in the car somewhere...
  • Wu-wagonWu-wagon Band Wagon
    That sucks man. I feel your pain. Bastards got my sub and amp!

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