Another Tranny dilema - Auto RT being dumb

I replaced the motor in my wagon, and before the tranny was just fine.

Now, once the car is running again, it doesnt want to drive in the "D" - Drive position. It will go but it slips and takes a bit to get up there. Seems like its stuck in 4th gear. I can drop it all the way down manually with the gear lever and it drives fine, just have to manually shift it into the next gear.

Replaced the fluid and it's where it should be. Doesnt down shift either when you give it throttle as it should. I checked the kickdown cable but I dont know how to adjust it to where it should be in order to kick it down. I played with it a few times and couldnt get it to work. Fluid isnt burnt or anything, its a pretty red color. Fresh stuff!

Reverse works fine, just when you put it in Drive, it doesnt go, just slips until it gets momentum going..

What would cause this to do that? Anyone have a simular problem and get it fixed?

I tried to explain it as best As i could.


  • slo88crxslo88crx Senior Wagonist
    Sometimes i have found out that if you change the fluid in a older honda tranny they can go bad! Now not saying thats wat happened to you.
  • htownwagonhtownwagon New Wagonist
    I've heard that also..

    Thinking about it, the level on the dipstick is HIGHER than the highest line. only by a slight bit. I put 2 quarts of fluid in it.

    Would that cause my slippage?
  • wrong oil

    and if it's on it's way...

    repair, replace, change
    don't forget the ecu

    just that...
  • htownwagonhtownwagon New Wagonist
    Would the fluid cause that problem?? I bought "Import" transmission fluid at a local auto parts store, but if you think it might be the problem, I will change it out.

    I plan on cleaning the shift siliniods (sp?) To see if it will help..
  • htownwagonhtownwagon New Wagonist
    I still don't know how to adjust the kick down cable that's attatched to the throttle body
  • Nowadays it's a tad difficult with all those swaps going around...

    standard procedure if possible, stock, inc. oil.

    not an opinion, procedure...


    Just await cable, no prio

  • htownwagonhtownwagon New Wagonist
    Fixed it.

    I had the shift solinoids hooked up wrong. Prob fixed!!
  • Could you explain how that could have happened...

    connected wires instead of a plug ?
  • htownwagonhtownwagon New Wagonist
    on the transmission, there are the upper shift noids, and then the lower noids.

    They have the SAME plugs. So i guess I mixed up which ones went where. All looked correct but I guess they werent.
  • weird... Bud...

    well good thing, thats fixed...

    Thanks man...
    learned a thing too...


    SCORE !!!

    leaves the oil...
    Dextron what...II?

  • htownwagonhtownwagon New Wagonist
    not sure.

    The stuff I bought was for "Import Vehicles"..

    Seems to drive fine though with the oil thats in it now. I do plan on swapping it out to Honda ATF soon, just to be on the safe side.

    Its good to have it going again, its been dormant for 2 years now. She's happy!
  • Personally...sure...

    next to....

    if it aint broke...

    dont change ptuh oil in it...

    great things man...


    Automatic Transmission Fluid...
    for 'all' engines...Dextron II...
    I was planning on using that...
    If it is that engine specific...
    no good...

    It can be optimized however...
    Honda ATF...
    ? any word(s) on that...

    kickdowncable (?)

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