Newbie here from Gatineau
I picked up my first civic wagon by accident about 3 years ago for $200 -- a white one with 2 sunroofs with only 200000 kms on it. Realizing they are hard to get parts for, true to form I picked up another one shortly after, blue this time, in Barrie ON, from BC. For that one, I sent money by email transfer, got the keys and ownership in the mail, got a day trip permit, took a rideshare to Toronto and took local buses to get it... Arrived about 8pm and drove it straight home --- 6 hours later, bless its heart it arrived safely. Just over a year ago I stumbled across another in Montreal and bused it to get that too -- it's an auto trans though. I ran that one last year until it stopped running -- needed a distributor -- funny thing I happened to have a couple. Just got that running because I have decided to sell it and probably do something with the other two to make one really good one but I won't have any time for at least another year -- lucky I have over an acre and the bylaw inspector doesn't whine much! (I have about 10 trucks also -- the number is going down -- long story -- my partner died)
(l'asti anglyse d'angletyre)
(l'asti anglyse d'angletyre)
now post some pictures!
Anyway, don't worry. She'll probably be OK. Eventually she'll become a stronger person, get comfortable with living alone, maybe get more pets, maybe she'll end up taking a welding course or three and learn how to use all the tools and curse you if you didn't build a garage first...
My garage is a 24x24 temporary lean-to that 2 friends and I built against the north wall this fall with hardwood beams (easy to get as we live in a forest), recycled wood, and an old 7x9 pink and green comforter for a door. When the inspector drove by he didn't say anything I never got a permit! He'll be waiting to see if it's coming down after blackfly season. (The trout fishing is great up here!)
Once I'm done replacing my roof this summer and turning my shelter into a car port, I am hoping to upgrade in the next year or so and buy the chalet down the road with several acres, lake access, water, septic and electricity. It's full of mould, needs gutting and would make a great garage. The owner is letting me rent it for storage for $600 per year right now.
I haven't figured out how to post pics yet...
every now and then...
mind my eyepatch ey...
it can take only that
Thanks EagleBeagle for your tips on image posting. I'll get some pics of my wagons here soon... of course they're from Canada eh so they'll be rusted --even the BC one, but they still carry a lot and have that whole well-designed reliable great-handling thing that makes us love these cars
He's Vancouver...
his grey EE4 is in good shape -- my BC car looks more like lee123's --with all the trim and a crumpled left rear door
However I go, all the panels need to come off those 2 wagons -- I was looking for more info on wheel well / fender repair and still haven't found a good article on how to get the whole roof/rear fender part off with the least pain, damage, or warping -- probably have to figure it out as I go....
I really liked the flared rear quarter post -- looks like the best way to go and just fabricate a little higher. I am taking an evening class right now with a kick-ass brake in the garage -- will be getting a few extra pieces prepared while I have access!
Again, welcome!
That one should help you on the fenders.
Actually I did see that article -- and it's going to be very helpful to review that before I go ahead on the front ones.
It's the rear fender/roof section which I am having no luck finding info on. Sorry if I wasn't too clear.
not posting pics
I am going to get pics -- a bunch of stuff has come up
sorry for the delay