Spotted civic wagon in movies

I was sitting here watching Season 2 episode 13 of "The Shield" and low and behold there is a white wagon in it. About 26 minutes into the episode.
I know I know not a big deal but when you see a wagon anywhere it is rare. Just thought I would share.
I would post a pic of the frame but I have no way to capture it.
I know I know not a big deal but when you see a wagon anywhere it is rare. Just thought I would share.
I would post a pic of the frame but I have no way to capture it.
Wagons are the best!!!!
I watched for a minute, and then a wagon passed behind her.
He shoot the chains the wagon go loose and a police car kills it.
Follow the above link to the movie.
The wagon gets hit broadside and the rear hatch flies open...
So sad
I don't know if anyone's posted this before or not, but it's cool nonetheless.
You should see how many pages they have for Ladas. :twisted:
i saw that i started freakin out
When they come to New Zealand and go to Queenstown a lady in a Beagle-X gets the kiwi team to follow her to their destination.
And then smasssshed.
~22sec into the clip, I'm pretty sure it's a wagon.
OMND*... they blew up the wagon with an RPG !!!!!
*Oh My Non-existent Deity
but i was chillin and i seen a wagon in a movie so just to start it off im not sure how far it will get .
but numer 1 would be in the beging of transporter 1 when he jumps his car off of a bridge on to a semi with a car carrier when he shoots the cains off the cars the car that rolls off into trafic it is a wagon a french wagon at that
1. transporter (about 20 min in to the movie)