Pic request: JDM/EDM Rear Bumper Support Bracket

Hey guys,
I'm trying to figure out something to replace my rusted rear bumper support. After posting this thread about alternatives: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7458 Wagodizzle mentioned that the JDM/EDM wagons used a bracket type set up instead of the support. I'm interested in seeing the design of something like this as I'd like to try to fab one up with my welder and some stock. Anyone have a pic??? :)


  • I am working on it. Jaker needs the pics too but it is -17C here right now and for me a bit too cold to be working. I will see what I can about getting this thing off soon.
  • Thanks J....
  • Not a problem just wish it would warm up a bit so I can help you guys out.
  • I can understand that! I've got a list of parts people need, but the parts car is buried under snow and it's cooooooollddd out.
  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist
    here you go

    this is mine, i bought new from Honda

  • Nice...that helps give me an idea of what it looks like. Not much of a support huh? Is it still off the car? If so, would you be able to get any measurements/top down pics? Thanks!

    Also how much was it from Honda?
  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist
    no sorry its on the car

    it was around £50 from honda

    its not so much a support, but a bracket, and keeps the bumper straight also.
  • Marc:

    Can you post up the part number? Would you also consider shipping one to Canada if I can't find a more local source for it? Last, is this a Wagon specific part, or is it for your EF Hatch?


  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist
    Jaker wrote:

    Can you post up the part number? Would you also consider shipping one to Canada if I can't find a more local source for it? Last, is this a Wagon specific part, or is it for your EF Hatch?



    yeh i can sort that out no probs. should be too much to ship as its light, but long.
    and yes, its a wagon specific part.

    i cant seem to find the receipt.... im sure i took a photo of the part number. let me check on my XHD...
  • Good stuff thanks Marc
  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist
    well the photo isnt very clear, but its either:

    let me know if they're right/wrong. i would ring Honda up, but its nearly 9pm here.
  • I'm very interested in getting one of these, as well as the front one if it is of similar dimunitive construction. Let me know if it is, and what the price would be for both, including shipping to Canada.

    Thank Marc,

  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist
    id recomment checking those two part numbers first.

    i can get them though and ship over no probs. would be A LOT cheaper on shipping if a few people wanted one
  • I'm working on building my own right now and will see how that comes out. I'll be sure to document and let you guys know.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Here's the inside of a JDM bumper, anyone got a similar pic of the USDM version to compare?

  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist
    heres my UK 1.6i-4WD front bumper..
    i dont have a picture of the rear bumper though sorry

  • Thanks Haydz. That's exactly what I'm looking for.


    Just for comparison sake, can you take another pic from the same angle as Haydz's pic? It's a little difficult to see exactly what the bumper support looks like from your angle. I will take a pair of supports for sure if it's the same. I'm having trouble locating part numbers for UKDM or JDM vehicles. Marc, could you not just go order "front and rear bumper supports for 1990 Civic Wagon" at your local dealer? The part numbers here are different for obvious reasons (different parts).


  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist
    Jaker wrote:
    Thanks Haydz. That's exactly what I'm looking for.


    Just for comparison sake, can you take another pic from the same angle as Haydz's pic? It's a little difficult to see exactly what the bumper support looks like from your angle. I will take a pair of supports for sure if it's the same. I'm having trouble locating part numbers for UKDM or JDM vehicles. Marc, could you not just go order "front and rear bumper supports for 1990 Civic Wagon" at your local dealer? The part numbers here are different for obvious reasons (different parts).



    yeh i will take a picture of each at the same angle ;) i have spares in the garden.

    i can order them, but id need to buy them then. i could ask for the part number, but only if one of the two i posted doesnt work.
  • If your front one is the same as Haydz's front one (based on his photo), I don't need to see pics. If you do order the pair for me, let me know the total in advance and I'll Paypal you the funds. Then we can discuss shipping.
  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist
    ive just got a couple of quotes, for one its around £55 for shipping lol :(
    BUT i can send 3 for that price, then its +£5 per extra support bar (just to give you an idea)
  • That is a little expensive, but if necessary I'd pay it. Let me know what they cost from the dealer, total before shipping. I'll then consider my options as far as spreading out the cost of shipping. Anyone else interetsed in a pair of lightweight Wagon bumper rebars/supports?
  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist
    Jaker wrote:
    That is a little expensive, but if necessary I'd pay it. Let me know what they cost from the dealer, total before shipping. I'll then consider my options as far as spreading out the cost of shipping. Anyone else interetsed in a pair of lightweight Wagon bumper rebars/supports?

    the rears are £50

    fronts I think are £60 iirc
  • JSR815JSR815 Band Wagon
    hey I'm willing to get a set if any body else is just pm me............. :D
  • pm'd.
  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist


    rear (support bar is a bit bent on the ends and isnt attached)

  • iinterested in this mark, would you mind reposting the pics? thanks
  • You did see the date of this thread right? Over a year old, Marc is no longer a wagon owner, and I believe is going to be on a very long vacation.
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