HEEEYYY New from Tulsa, Oklahoma

Hey you guys just purchased a wagovan, Im also surprised theirs a forum for wago's thats cool that way I can get help thru out my project. Heres some pics of my 1990 civic wagovan it was grayish but the previous owner painted it red. So theres alot of little work here and there, I got a question here what other stock honda exhaust would fit a wagovan?????? the guy gave it to me with out lmk guys I need to buy one asap and is really hard to find a wagovan one....

There are no other civic exhausts that fit without modification. The cheapest way(besides doing it yourself) is to just go to a muffler shop and have it done. If you're handy with a welder, you can make nearly anything fit. When i first did my LS swap, I had the entire exhaust system from a '92 Integra on. If you want OE style replacement parts, they can still be had from Walker. Ask your local parts house to look it up in the Walker catalog.