Need HELP!!! 89Wagon will not start
Band Wagon
Ok here goes. Wagon has been running fine but has had a little sputter when stopping. Now last night going down road and just died on me as i was starting to stop. Would not start back. Checked and was not getting any spark. Went today got new coil pack, distributor cap, and rotor still nothing. When i took the dizzy cap off rotor button was trashed and had worn down points in the dizzy cap. Motor trys to turn over but sounds weak and has a weird rubbing, scrathing noise. Could the dizzy bushings be shot or the whole Dizzy be shot? Was planning on doing the fuel filter but have not yet. Can hear fuel pump priming when key is turned. Any suggestions? Only car need fixed ASAP. Thanks for any help and suggestions.
Osburn 80
Osburn 80
+++ SiWagon Freebie:Honda Ignition Upgrade:D