New from Louisville, KY

Hey guys to start out I have a 91 crx si that is my garage queen and hasn't even seen rain since I have owned it. I have always been a huge fan of the older hondas but most of the are pretty small and don't have a ton of room. I am a Lexus tech and need room for tools and parts and my two Siberian huskies. So I started looking into wagons and that's why I'm here. What better place to learn about a wagon and possibly purchase one. So if anyone is in my area and has one for sale for a reasonable price just let me know.


  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Welcome to THE place for wagonness. Just be patient and keep your eye on Craigslist! If you're a longtime CRX guy, you've probably got alot of upgrade parts ready to go.
  • Ef4lifeEf4life Band Wagon
    Yeah I figured I would get a wagon then start replacing stuff on my crx and swap the suspension and wheels and I plan doing a k swap soon on the crx since I just got most of my sir front end for it. I am really digging the wagons. The more I see them on here, the more I want one. Man I have the bug again. Who knows if I can find one in good condition it might get a k swap too.
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