Ehwald's Dutch EE2 Shuttle
Band Wagon
Well , it's a little time ago that i anounced that I bought a shuttle and swapped the engine.
the i picked a shuttle up picture:
The swap pictures:
the new Engine
The one with the leakin head gasket
And gone!
the i picked a shuttle up picture:
The swap pictures:
the new Engine
The one with the leakin head gasket
And gone!
Some other shots:
How many cars do you have at the moment, your ee9, a shuttle and more or? I thought you had a sedan? (You bought a rear sedan bumper from me about 2 years ago)
he Jasper!
and in al those years i did not use it. it's still laying around ready to use.
My girlfriend drives the sedan , we have the shuttle , the EE9 and a old jazz. Recently i sold my circuit ED7 .
I have a big car from work (nissan Primastar) that i also drive private. But you have to pay for it (230,- in a month) to our friends from the taxes (belastingdienst) . So I stopped with that januari the first of next year. So I needed a new daily driver , and that's the shuttle.
A few months ago I posted some in my introduction tread: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=6178
I also "know" you from cch.
Didn't knew you also had a shuttle 8)
Your EE9 is sooo clean... hope the shuttle will meet that level :P
Maybe see ya somewhere around.
Greets Stephan
Hi Stephan , Thanx
It was a well kept secret I think 8)
Thanx about the EE9 . I love that car so much and I'm still so happy with it.
About the shuttle i'm in a little doubt about it. Should I modified it or not? First of all it's a daily driver , but on the other hand it's also a car that you did not see much on the Dutch roads , and with a little bit lowering and some nice rims (cf-48 i what i'm looking for) it makes it really special I think.
But Bef , you were the guy that have/had plans for a turbo powered Shuttle right?
We should have a Dutch Shuttle meet next year with al those Dutch Shuttle drivers
Today I put my winter rims on the shuttle , It needs some serious lowering I think. it's the highest car I ever owned
The oem ee8 wheels look the tits man!!
(check out my topic for my previous boosted shuttle, also on ee8 wheels )
But yeah... i'm planning on boosting this shuttle also... on the otherside i also really like all-motor power!
Oh and by the way... i can assure you, a lowered shuttle is the way to go (also for dialy) !!
You've got enough ground clearence when lowered and it handles way better!
Check out cch for a steering wheel i've got for sale. It's definately a good upgrade for a daily bitch