Audio player flew out of my dash....

ok, here is the story: my cd player in my car was a little loose....anyway, i was doing a drift around a corner and i sorta messed up and ended up doing a 180 degree spinout...and the force was enough that the cd payer flew out of the dash and into my lap, with half the wires disconnected and wutever. my problem putting it back is that the wires that are together weren't with the same colors, ex: the blue wire wasn't with another blue wire but a red is wierd...well, i got frustrated and pulled them all apart with the intention of putting them back with the same color...yeah, sure, except the harnesses have dif colors the don't match up and now i have no idea wut to do, and wuts worse is that the alarm system was built into it to... :? soooo....anyone know the color codes and can help me out or give me any helpful insight...i'm gonna check it out tomorrow in the daylight again... ha ha, ok, peace. :P


  • sic944tsic944t Wagonist
    make sure your battery is secure and anything else that may fly about ...
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    F-ing LOL!

    Dood, your car rejected your headdeck.. :lol:

    I find the easiest way is to start with finding the constant power and the ignition power. With the car switched off, grab an automotive light and ground the negative end somewhere to your chassis, then hook the positive side up to each of your wires (one at a time!!) until the light comes on. Thats your constant!
    Now label it for next time!
    Now flick the key on one and repeat, missing the wire that you already found. Once you've got it, label it.
    This is all kinda done assuming you've found the ground wire from your headdeck.
    As for the others... um... stuffed if i'd know, i just randomly plug stuff in using my crappy headdeck then label them and put in my good headdeck.

    Two lessons to be learned here... a) label your wires... b) secure your headdeck!!

  • i should be able to get the wire codes at work on mon. what year is it. 4 or 2wd? do you need anything else.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    i just bought this car about 2 days ago...i wasn't the one that installed it :lol: :lol: :lol: and it isn't a wagon, its a 1990 Integra... but yeah, the wires are totally a different color then the harness that comes with the CD player. also the alarm was connected to it too, to make things messier :? :? o well, pas wagon, that would help alot if you can do that :P thanks guys...
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    ok, i figured out wut the cars wire codes are, but the Sony aftermarket harness doesn't have the labels on it !!! :evil: so, do you know where i could find the labeling to is a Sony WH-S16......any help would be awesome, thanks... :D
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Oops my bad, not a wagon... :D
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    thats no problem P :D :D :D :D

    i am still pissed that Sony didn't put labels on the wires :x anyway, still playing with it... i am going to try to get it done tomorrow..... i already blew like 3 fuses :oops: o well, :P i'll get it soon.. i guess us Hungarians aren't really electrically minded. ha ha, j/k :wink: peace....
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