2 way valve?

What does the 2 way valve do by the gas tank( 89 Wagovan)
I have a fuel leak and I'm wonder if this is hte source?


  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    A 'two way valve' would just be a pipe wouldn't it?
  • vtecn8ivevtecn8ive Senior Wagonist
    I'm assuming you are referring to when you put fuel in the gas tank? I'm pretty sure it has to deal with keeping contaminants out and may help relieve pressure on hot days. these are completely guesses though.
  • There's a red diaphragm attached to the gas tank that has a hose coming into it from the tank, and another hose that goes up to the engine compartment via a hard chassis line. It comes out in the engine compartment next to the fuel feed line from the tank. This line then goes into the top of the large black canister attached ot the firewall next to the fuel filter. This is an emmissions device, and what it does is let fuel vapor/pressure from the tank go out via the red diaphragm when the built up pressure gets high enough, and it gets collected in that black canister in the engine compartment. When the engine is up to operating temperature, there is a solenoid that opens between the black canister and your intake manifold that lets these vapors go into the engine to be burnt, and catalised if necessary. It's just a way of stopping fuel vapor from escaping into the atmosphere when pressure builds up in your gas tank on hot days.
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