RT4WD Auto-Manual Conversion Qustions

So I was wondering, what will it take to convert it? Ive seen a few threads about auto to manual conversions for 2WD, which is pretty text book. But I wanted to know what am I going to need for the 4WD? I saw a thread showing some control unit for the auto tranny, located under the driver's seat. I obviously need shift linkage, the tranny, pedal assembly, etc...
But what about the transfer case, driveshaft, axles, etc???
Thanks a lot in advance for any help!
But what about the transfer case, driveshaft, axles, etc???
Thanks a lot in advance for any help!
Only problem with doing this swap... finding the parts at a reasonable price. Probably best to find a wrecked manual RT4wd for parts.
Also, you'll need to run some wires from the auto shifter to the tranmisssion, because the reverse lights are activated by a switch at the shifter in the auto, and obviously at the transmission for the manual tranny.
I will stick to my guns on the whole mount story: the piece that is spot welded in the engine compartment on the right side frame rail just above the transmission is specific to the manual transmission RT4WD. All the other models of Wagons have the same mount (FWD manual, FWD auto, RT4WD auto). The RT4WD manual has its own piece. I have bought a chunk of the frame rail at the wreckers that includes the special mount, then drilled out the spot welds on my FWD chassis, as well as the spot welds on the chunk from the wreckers, and then welded in the new piece. It just needs painted now.
On the mount... Are we talking the chassis portion of the motor mount? Am I going to have to cut, and reweld the 6 speed mount? Thats the only thing worrying me now. Otherwise, the rest should be feasible, and fairly simple.
Thanks a lot for the responses so far!
[EDIT] Also, is the auto PM6 different from the manual PM6? Or is the issue that it will throw a code? Is it possible to convert it to manual, like you would with an OBD1? (Remove R17, solder in resistor for R18, or something)? If not, can I take any PM6, like a Civic or CRX SI? I will convert it to OBD1, but would rather wait until I build a new motor for it...
DOOD!!!! YES! PLEASE! LOL. Lemme know, and if you can, ask them how much. Looks like I need the tranny, half shaft, front axles, shift cables, shifter assembly, tranny mounts, and ECU.... I think. LOL. Thanks Karl!!!!!
There are other ways to do it, like this:
You should get the PM6 manual ECU. They're pretty cheap, and trying to convert your auto one will be one big hassle. It's not that simple with the OBD0 ECUs.
The top picture is where you cut the actual mount out of a RT4WD, and removed your factory FWD mount, to weld in the RT replacement. Correct?
Just trying to picture how involved this is, to convert my auto to manual. Im not worried about anythig but the cutting, fabricating, and welding.
If you chose the other method, the only concern I would have is that you will have to shave some metal off the bottom of the OEM mount, as the rubber mount bolted to the transmission comes up a little higher, and will probably hit on the bottom of the FWD chassis mount if you don't trim it.
If I can find the Manual RT4WD mount (say I find everything from a donor vehicle), then I will be going with the replacement method. It just seems like the "right" (vs. wrong) way to do it, and actually a lot more simple. Takes all of the measuring and fabrication part out of it.
Thanks a lot Jaker, for all of your help!
I pick the car up on Tuesday, and will start a build thread. First thing is to get it running/rebuild the motor. Then I can concern myself with this, or suspension... Or the SI.
Thanks for everyones help as well! Maybe I will come back, and do a write up in this thread, when I get to that point.