Clicky Start issue

I remember reading about a "clicky start fix" on either here on another forums. Explaining a relay or fix for a start problem, that doesnt allow the start to kick over. Anyone got info on this one. A friend with a CRX is in dire need. thx
If you turn the key to 'start' and only get a clicking it means your starter isn't getting enough power. Test with a different battery or with your battery jumpered to another car.
If you turn the key to 'on' and don't hear the fuel pump prime, its your main fuel relay. If this is the case the starter will turn the engine over but wont spark.
Neither issues are to do with the ECU.
if it clicks alot then it is too much resistence in the wires to the starter. then a jump will most likely work.
hahah nice advice people allways forget something NOT METAL !
Its a sticky solenoid, clean it up or replace it... don't hit it because you'll just make the life of the part even shorter and it will happen when you really want her to go...
and justmy two cents.....why would you hit it? do you hit your head when you got a headache?
For the starter, you hit it to free up a sticky solenoid and your right, its not a good idea but it might get you going in a tricky situation.
i went outside to drive to practice (around 6:30pm). and being in texas heat, the car was pretty hot, inside and out. but the car wouldnt start. this only happens in extreme heat. is this another symptom of the main relay, (being out in the heat)?
i had to drive my sister's miata to practice. and when my dad called around 7:00, he had started up the car with no problems! what's the deal?
If you can't say for certain that your main relay has been replaced, do it.
- It's important. No relay, no start.
- They are one of the common fail items on Hondas.
- They're only like $60.
sincw we had no idea what was going on, we took it to a Honda specialist. he said it was the main fuel relay. so i guess thats what the problem is. i've only had it for a day, so we'll see how it goes.
is there a differenbce between the main relay and main fuel relay? or are they the same thing
thanks guys!
hey duckie,
i have several of those main relays lying around. i didn't read this thread until today.
next time email me. i would mail it out to you free.