carb'd d15

So just after start up, my 87 winds itself up pretty high for a while, I guess while the choke gets settled in. After abt. 5 mins. it settles back down to an idle around 900 rpms, but the 2-2.5 idle for the first little while is alarming, to say the least. Anybody got any tips on idle screw adjustment or if I have a more serious prob? This is the first carb'd Honda I've ever had, and it runs great and gets fantastic mileage, I was just a little startled by the idle. Any ideas?


  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    uh yeah, sorry for the late reply. Well my old crk did the same thing and i got a weber, problem solved and i gained some hp. The old carbs are total junk when they get dirty and either need to be fully rebuilt or replaced.
  • broodybroody New Wagonist
    What kind of weber did you put? Is there any guide for a carb upgrade? and gain some hp, regain the lost hp or making over stock healthy?
    And a bit off topic but I know that on injection cars injection cut while engine braking (at least over like 2000rpm) while on most carbureted engines it won't, it won't on 1.5 civic carb right? And to to save gas is bad to turn off the key and turn it on before you press the clutch so no need to crank)? Also, when I turn it off I don't really feel like the engine brake get "stronger", except when the car is warming at fast idle (2000rpm).
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    Well it was a weber DGV something and yes it was a BIG jump in power, it ran great.
  • What your wanting is a Weber 32 36 progressive. Use the DGEV model. The carb breakdown is as follow DF=throttle linkage in front DG=linkage in back the last two letters are for the choke so EV= electric choke. Its a pretty common carb, sort of spendy in my opinion, so I'd look for a Holley 5200, same thing, and you can get one off an omni that has the solenoids to jack up the idle speed for ac and power steering.
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
  • Here's some reading for ya, not only how to source a cheap carb, but also a few adjustments and explanations.
  • broodybroody New Wagonist
    Thanks for the info, it's good to talk about 3rd gen specific sometimes. And I don't have AC or PS so I don't care about this...
    Are refurb carb like that overpriced? ... 439c4e2e6f

    or this one ... 3a5613c37c
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    Well thats fairly normal for a weber, You will NEED a spacer/adapter plate to bolt it up though! Should cost about 50-60 bucks :shock:
  • broodybroody New Wagonist
    In the first kit they say 42$ for the plate, in the second kit it's included no?
  • Try a refurb Holley 5200 for half that price. Pinto Carb basically, then order an adaptor, make one, or have it made for you. ... rid/134382
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