fellow wagoholics, i require advice

wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
currently my DD is a 1991 DX wagon. has been for a very good 2.5 years now.

also i have recently reacquired (if that is a word) my first car, a 1989 Hatchback. this car currently needs a lot of work, namely and engine, windshield and some body panels...not to mention paint, etc... so basically, a lot of time and money. my plans were to make her my Daily driver. and let the wagon rest as i have much bigger plans for her :wink:

recently i have been thinking though that maybe it would be wiser to just get another stock little Wagon to be my daily, and a pretty nice one popped up.. it would be cheaper, and already be running, in nice shape, etc...

however, i still have an attachment to the ol' hatch, and dont really want to see it go.. especially since i have gotten so many flipping EDM parts and junk already for it lol. i would keep it, but have no room really.. or maybe? idk..

so my question to you is this... WHAT SHOULD I DO?

-keep the hatch, and buy the DD wagon
-sell the hatch and buy the DD wagon
-keep the hatch, and forget about the DD wagon

i wish i could do the first, but i dont know how my parents would feel about having three cars to my name... :lol: :mrgreen:


  • man i no what you mean.....i'll have a chance to trade back for my 88 hatch which has been improved with a boosted jdm d15b on hondata.....but idk what to do either.....i'd say keep it if you have that wonderful attachment and if you have the money get another wagon.....you can never have to many honda's....especially wagons.......ED/EE love
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Focus. If you don't have the resources to fix 2 cars, 3 sure ain't the answer!
    If you intend to make the wagon a 'project car' then your DD doesn't need to be one as well, right?

    Here's my take, from 22 years ahead of you looking back: Concentrate on your education. Save money as you can. Sell the hatch and buy/build a fresher engine for your wagon. Or keep the hatch if you have a place to store it, but make your primary transportation solid first.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    so that is why i am leaning towards the DD wagon, assuming it doesnt need any work at all. just hop in and go and have my current white wagon only for occasions.
    idk about storage yet, so i have to see about it.

    main point of interest: not to drive my white wagon right now. i want something to go to school with that i dont mind getting dirty, or occasionally backed into :x but will be reliable
  • I am 100% with bam-bam on this one.
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    my first car, 90 Civic HB. After switching hands about 5 times between local farm kids it came back to my little brother and it now sits on blocks. That was about... 4 years ago. What happened? My little bro got it, put a b18 turbo (18psi boost), that car went like a raped rat. But also the most terrifying car i've ever driven. It was so old... poorly maintained, everything about it sucked other than it was my first car and it was...well... a raped rat. It's the blue one there, obviously. Don't let the picture fool you, it was in terrible shape and was mostly made out of 'load bearing bondo'


    so what's my point? unless you have VERY UNDERSTANDING PARENTS and 8 acres of fenced in field, you are completely insane to even consider doing anything with that HB. It's a total money pit to consider fixing it up to any kind of point that you would be satisfied with it. From experience i can say that you would be much HAPPIER getting rid of that hb and putting the money into something that is decent already. Don't even consider owning 2 cars unless one of them sits on jack stands for 4 years while you restore & improve it properly. So many times i see people with two cars, and both are done so half ass. Unless you are rich.... then own as many cars as you can. but i think i proved in a thread along time ago that we wagon owners are typically pretty broke, otherwise we would be driving audi s4 wagons. mmmmmm s4.

    take from it what you can.
  • stephenstephen Senior Wagonist
    sell the hatch.
    sell the stash of EDM parts (as a lot, with the car, whatever)

    put some money in the bank for the inevitable rainy day.

    buy a Geo Metro.
    you won't want to mod it.
    you wont care if it gets backed into.
    it will get you from A to B.

    my 2¢.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Geo Metro aka Suzuki Swift.

    Awesome cars.

    When i was at high school my mate had one, we used to sneak off grounds and go have a smoke in it.

    I think it was like 600cc 3cyl. Many fun times doing handbrakies and rollbacks. :oops: :lol:
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Haydz wrote:
    Geo Metro aka Suzuki Swift.

    Awesome cars.

    When i was at high school my mate had one, we used to sneak off grounds and go have a smoke in it.

    I think it was like 600cc 3cyl. Many fun times doing handbrakies and rollbacks. :oops: :lol:

    My big sister bought a new one in 1985- branded a Chevrolet Sprint. 3cyl TURBO :lol:
  • Completely agree with everyone also.

    I am a good example of too many projects, not enough time, and definately not enough money.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    thanks guy.
    lol i told my parents and they did not seem pleased at all. they dont seem to mind the hatchback though, strangely, but maybe a little more "clear talk" :mrgreen:
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Martin, how old are you now?
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    old. 21.
    but i still respect their input, seeing as they are the ones that always pull me out of messes lol
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Parents tend to say the thing that you know is right, but still don't want to do it.

    Like; "Finish school with just one car, get yourself a good job and then buy yourself a real fucking car for once". :P

    I'm constantly on mute when my parentals are talking.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    haha yep..

    im just constantly on mute when they talk to me about my car(s) :P
  • 2 wagons FTW
  • I've been to college, and lemme tell you... it's expensive. And so worth it.

    While you're there, you'll probably meet the girl of your dreams, and you'll want to set up shop with her. Thanks to your college education, you'll be able to get a job that supports both of you. But not a separate project car at the same time.

    So you'll have two daily drivers, and one of them will be a "project" car. Just something to diddle your (rapidly vanishing) spare time and money away. Then you'll discover you want to be a father, and the spare money and time will be gone altogether.

    Hence, my advice: if you want a project car, the time is now. You will never again have this much disposable cash, or this much free time. You've already admitted you don't have the time or money for two project cars, so pick one (I vote for the Wagon) and cut your losses on the other. You've spent too much money on the HB already, especially with the extra EDM parts. (When I posted a '91 HB in poor condition on Craigslist for $300, I had hundreds of responses in an hour. You can sell yours quick, too.)

    Then either suck it up and use the project Wagon as your DD (yes, bad things will probably happen, but you can always repair them), or get a cheap disposable DD. I like Stephen's idea of a Geo Metro. I drove one of those in Ecuador, and it was a little champ. (Emphasis on the "little".)
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    very true Jude. great post..
    i want to do the geo metro idea, except instead of a geo it would be a Civic Wagon. :mrgreen:

    extremely fortunately i have a full scholarship for the full 5 years at my university :shock: so that way i save about a $100K.
  • judebert wrote:
    I've been to college, and lemme tell you... it's expensive. And so worth it.

    I went too, and it was semi worth it, but not enough to finish or get my degree, and i paid it myself with no loans

    While you're there, you'll probably meet the girl of your dreams, and you'll want to set up shop with her. Thanks to your college education, you'll be able to get a job that supports both of you. But not a separate project car at the same time.

    Met the girl of my dreams at work (the job I got fresh from school led me to a better job)
    So you'll have two daily drivers, and one of them will be a "project" car. Just something to diddle your (rapidly vanishing) spare time and money away. Then you'll discover you want to be a father, and the spare money and time will be gone altogether.

    Not true, I am a young father of two and have a DD and two project cars :)

    Hence, my advice: if you want a project car, the time is now. You will never again have this much disposable cash, or this much free time. You've already admitted you don't have the time or money for two project cars, so pick one (I vote for the Wagon) and cut your losses on the other. You've spent too much money on the HB already, especially with the extra EDM parts. (When I posted a '91 HB in poor condition on Craigslist for $300, I had hundreds of responses in an hour. You can sell yours quick, too.)

    A project car helps me get some time away from the wife and kids, and will make for some serious bonding between my sons and I in the future :)

    Then either suck it up and use the project Wagon as your DD (yes, bad things will probably happen, but you can always repair them), or get a cheap disposable DD. I like Stephen's idea of a Geo Metro. I drove one of those in Ecuador, and it was a little champ. (Emphasis on the "little".)

    Geo metro DD? Cmon man! You could EASILY find a crx or integra for the same price range!

    My point is that everyone is different and you need to know what you want in order to get it. I am 24 with a beautiful wife, 6yo son, a 3week old son, a Wagon, an Element, and a Legend. And I make over 70k per year LEGALLY without a degree...

    Just my .02...no offense Jude :)
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    everyone has given me great advice, and its helping me to decide for myself.

    i love college though, it is definitely worth it for me. :wink:
  • get the wagon!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  • wagodizzle wrote:
    very true Jude. great post..
    i want to do the geo metro idea, except instead of a geo it would be a Civic Wagon. :mrgreen:

    extremely fortunately i have a full scholarship for the full 5 years at my university :shock: so that way i save about a $100K.

    Full scholarship? Dude, you have got it so made! I lost mine in one year! Never really appreciated it until it was gone. Of course, I met my wife outside the second university, so I guess it all works out in the end. The only reason I'd pick something other than a second Wagon would be to avoid the temptation of modifying it, too.

    MondiVTEC, you're livin' the dream. I have to admit that I didn't get my project car until I was 38, and it has been a fantastic experience for my daughters, as well. My youngest wasn't really involved in the build, but she loves to show it off!
  • judebert wrote:
    My youngest wasn't really involved in the build, but she loves to show it off!

    Aint that the truth! My wife is that way hahah
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    judebert wrote:
    The only reason I'd pick something other than a second Wagon would be to avoid the temptation of modifying it, too.

    i could avoid it, i have strong self control lol
  • Now that I think about it, I also had the most money to put toward my cars while in college. I had a good coop that paid very well, and lived cheap..................and wasn't married! :lol:
  • NZ-DB8RNZ-DB8R Moderator
    Well I figure i may as well throw my 2c in.

    Im 20 and an apprentice Electrician so basically I get paid Minimum wage, until the beginning of this year I was getting below minimum wage so Im not exactly rolling in money.

    I have 2 cars, my 99 Integra Type R and my Shuttle. I find that because I have 2 cars I now barely use the Integra, mostly due to the fact it cant get up the driveway at my place so it lives at my parents place. I am in no debt at all and I dont plan on getting myself into any either.

    Since you have a scholarship then I assume you still get a living allowance and that sorta thing? (not sure how it all happens over there) with that will you be able to support yourself and 2 cars?

    I know how you feel about your first car, I thought I could never sell mine but now that I have (couple years ago) im glad that I have. Ive moved onto better things, sure it was nice while I had it but everythings got to come to an end at some stage, you will still have pics and memories of it
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    NZ-DB8R wrote:
    Im 20...

    I get paid Minimum wage...

    I have 2 cars, my 99 Integra Type R and my Shuttle...

    I am in no debt...

    You, my friend, are one very very very fortunate dude.

    Unless you are from a well-to-do family (not that there's anything wrong with that), but that dosent happen state-side (legally)

    But, to dizzle... if you've got room to store cars, I say keep all your cars until you have money. But, chances are when you have the money... you probably won't want to spend it on 25 year old Hondas. Atleast 2 of them at the same time ayway. Best bet, keep the wag which you love so dearly stored away. Get something to drive daily (dont torment yourself with another wagon, cuz you'll want to do stuff to it one way or another) finish school, get a real job, and reasses your wants and needs.
  • NZ-DB8RNZ-DB8R Moderator
    Charb1618 wrote:
    NZ-DB8R wrote:
    Im 20...

    I get paid Minimum wage...

    I have 2 cars, my 99 Integra Type R and my Shuttle...

    I am in no debt...

    You, my friend, are one very very very fortunate dude.

    Unless you are from a well-to-do family (not that there's anything wrong with that), but that dosent happen state-side (legally)

    My family is middle class, all the things I own I worked for, my parents havnt bought my cars or anything like that. The only thing they did to get me where I am is let me live at home for the first couple years of my apprenticeship and I only paid $60 a week for board.

    I started working after school when I was 15, so by the time I was 16 I had imported my first car from Japan,
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Just keep the hatch as a daily hack, no need to buy or sell anything.
  • People are giving good advice. Stick with what you can handle. Cars are a sickness! Ask or DON'T ask my wife about the 14 cars we have!?
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    14 cars, holy mess... :shock:
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