QUICK ANSWERS needed! trouble getting left rear axle in

We replaced the rear left LCA rather than pressing in new bushings. Bought a pair of LCAs from the local u-pull-it for $2 a piece.
Now we are having trouble getting the axle to sit properly in the hub. Although it is the same axle we removed, seems like it is too short and the 32mm nut won't grab the threads. WTF? It's the same axle and not a replacement.
Anyone encounter this problem before and if so, what was your solution? I'd like to get this wagon up and running tonight if possible as I don't want to wait another week before I'll have some more free time.
Thanks in advance!
Now we are having trouble getting the axle to sit properly in the hub. Although it is the same axle we removed, seems like it is too short and the 32mm nut won't grab the threads. WTF? It's the same axle and not a replacement.
Anyone encounter this problem before and if so, what was your solution? I'd like to get this wagon up and running tonight if possible as I don't want to wait another week before I'll have some more free time.
Thanks in advance!
1 - Sometimes the axle splines will grab the inside of the hub, and you'll need to "persuade" the axle to go through.
2 - What car did you buy the LCA's from? EK's LCAs are longer than EG/EF/DC/DA.
Thanks for the reply Jaker!
1. After looking at the axle itself, there seemed to be an extra rubber ring that didn't seem to belong. Turns out it was what was hindering the axle to seat properly in the hub and after removing it, the axle fit fine.
2. My dad was the one who pulled the LCAs and they are an exact match to the original one that came off my wagon.
Thanks again!
Just need to bleed the brakes tomorrow and |I should have the wagon back on the road. Let's hope we get this vibration issue fixed. I'm wondering now if I will have the same type of experience that quarters had with his "out of round" tires!