oVer Heating& more...

just got my swap in but my car seems to be over heating ie as soon as it starts to warm up it just keeps on getting hotter... as for the more... sometimes before the car even has time to warm up ill let it idle and it will die, so i start it up again and slowly give it gas and it slowly revs up, but if i try to "step on it" it just boggs out and dies... btw my ecu is throwing a code 5 map sensor, but all the hoses are connected... any input would help... thanks...
Swap.... Sohc ZC...
As for the air trapped.... I know there is release on the top of the upper hose do I just let it heat up and then open that release valve?
Feel both hoses when the car has heated up to make sure both are warm/hot. If only one is, you at the very least have a Tstat problem or an air bubble.
Radiator is good? Water pump is good? Radiator cap holding pressure and you have coolant, not water, in the system? Fan(s) working?
thanks for the good info on filling it up...
rad good.... water pump new... rad cap good... coolant yes... and fan yes...
so new MAP sensor????
i have figured out that I have no oil pressure at all... and Im guessing thats why the car is over heating... Its knocking like crazy and the oil light is on, even though there is Oil in the car... Any suggestions...??? or do you think the motors toast???
lol... thats what i was thinking...
it sucks since i just got it in there...
is there any way to test the pump so it doesnt happen on the new motor??? :?:
none at all...