rattle can advice?

so when i got my rt4wd it was blue but the guy i got it from decited to hit a pole, and the hood was ruiend the drivers feder was junk to, but i swaped them out with white ones and i rattel caned the front of my car rustoilum black, and now i have to figure out what to do, i dont have the money for a shop, i was just wondering if anyone had tips to a certin color, or prep work, the interior is blue, yea i know spray can wont be perfect but i want to get it looking as good as it can be, also im planing on geting pearl white rota track r 2's with a polised lip, thanks guys
It's one of the best ways to get a cheap paint job that actually last.alupso1thinned the paint.Another member did I think a HB w/o paint thinning.All you need is a HVLP sprayer & a gallon of Rustoleum.It was started by a Canadian Dodge guy that painted a Charger & his Dad's Bug with a roller.The HB guy found it a lot easier to do it with a HVLP sprayer.
:arrow: The Secret to a great paint job is prep.Mainly colour sanding.If done right it can look like a $3000 paint job.Probably around a 100-200 hours of sanding.Even w/o the sanding it looks pretty good.You'll probably spend as much w/ur rattle can.
:idea: Another idea I have is to have a tagger shoot your whole car.They'll most likely do it for the cost of paint.
:arrow: The prob with Rustoleum is limited colour selection.Another type of paint to use is boat paint.The prob with water-based paints is it's not as glossy.The Canadian Rustoleum might be oil-based like the boat paint.