info on installing a sedan dash in a 91rtfwd?
Band Wagon
i saw that the dash is installable but with modification. can someone please tell me the install process ( what part needs modding) ? pics would be great i have a helms manual so if you could just give me an idea i would appreciate it.
meaning there would be a gap between winshield and dash... to remedy this User: akiraboy cut the top portion
of his wagon dash and glued it to the top portion of his crx dash...
Good example from this CRX dash:
Pretty sure you can remove the upper grey part from the lower black part. You might have to make some sort of brackets to mount it back together or lots of glue or something but you could probably hybrid a wagon and sedan dash together. Or even a wagon and CRX dash...
the top portion does definately separate from the lower piece.
the CRX Exclusive had complete tan interior, including seats
some 1.5X Style II's had half beige half black dash and door cards