Steering rack blues
Replaced my steering rack last week. Knowing the spotty at best state of auto parts (especially reman) I bought the most expensive one I could find, a Maval. It leaks from the rack seal on the drivers side. Maybe this is the frustration talking, but thinking about ditching power steering. Do the manual racks from the other Civics fit the wagon? Rockauto lists a manual rack for the RT. Curious how it effects handling as well, I figure more turns lock to lock. I was going to start Autocross in April...I don't want to make that suck, but I figure plenty of hatch and CRX drivers don't have power racks.
Have you looked into the Toyota Prius electric power steering, I’ve seen couple guys install them in their civics. You’ll need the Prius steering column little computer box and harness that’s under the dash of the Prius