Just wanted to say what's up everybody. After viewing this web site everyday and checking out everyone's sick rides I have became the proud owner of an 88. Thanks for all the great info.
Thats cool. We should meet up and just check out each other's rides. This past weekend I met up wit a former member from here with a blue wagon. Ill send you my number in a PM so you can hit me up whenever you're down here.
yeah, sounds good. I might be checking yours out only though, still working out the bugs in mine. I'll actually be down there this Sat. for my nefews birthday, maybe I can sneak away for a bit. what city are you in or what freeway are you off of?
Dammit, I was gonna guess that, but I would have never thought Dodge would have a 4x100 bolt pattern. I stand corrected. Either way, they look pretty good.
I live in North Park, but Im always in City Heights. This weekend is my little cousin's birthday too. Ill be in Allied gardens, its off the 8. But just hit me up and we can meet up.
Dammit, I was gonna guess that, but I would have never thought Dodge would have a 4x100 bolt pattern. I stand corrected. Either way, they look pretty good.