n00b from Colorado

Hello all. I am new here, just found the site a month ago and have been lurking and have done that wonderful Walmart ghetto cupholder mod. Anyways I have a 90 Wagovan with the RT4wd, swapped D16z6 (vtec just kicked in y0!), odb1 converted, p28 ecu and ummm, thats about it. I also have a 92 Integra GsR, love my Hondas. I'll post pics of both here in a little bit.
Glad to be onboard!
Glad to be onboard!
Now post pics
My integra
Check what a friend of mine did with his RT4wd steelies:
He also had some chrome lip Rt4wd steelies which were sold to me then ended up with Wagodizzle.... http://www.hondacivicwagon.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4092
Nice wagon!! Welcome to the forums! Drop it!
Thanks for the comments guys. Those deep dish rt4wd wheels are verryy nice!
love the "bottle caps."
Anyway, sick rides and welcome to the boards!