please help me photoshop my wheels white!

Just put these on today and am trying to get a liking for them. I have an inkling that these GS-R wheels would look MUCH better in white with the blue car.

Anyone help me out? Not to sound picky but perhaps a more flat/satinish white? Any would work really though. Thanks in advance and if a "better" pic is needed I can certainly accommodate; thanks!

248.jpg (the beastly trailer in back)


  • It's hard to compensate for the shininess of the aluminum rims. (Incidentally, I like 'em as-is.) Here's my pathetic attempt:
  • Thanks very much, I really do appreciate that. I definitely like the OEM style/color as well, however, they are well beyond the point of cleaning them to bring them back. The finish is definitely gone and these need some love, I've never seen any form of "paint" that matches the OEM finish. I think white will suit these just fine, I appreciate the work thanks!
  • White&NerdyWhite&Nerdy Senior Wagonist
    Well, stock RT4WD wheels are white, so I suppose the color does fit. I'm not a fan, myself (that's why I painted mine), but to each their own. It's your wagon - do it up as you like it! :) And I know I've seen white wheel paint out there, along with black, graphite (which I used), and silver. You could try sanding down the crud and spraying them silver for a somewhat original appearance, or just go different with the white.
  • You know of a better looking silver paint? I would do that, I've just never seen any silver paint that actually looking like metal alloy. The next best thing seems to be white. The finish is pretty bad and I just want to make them look better is all.
    You don't like the wheels at all? I'm definitely starting to dig on the look.
  • touch up ring-a-bell ...
  • White&NerdyWhite&Nerdy Senior Wagonist
    I'll have to look for the paint again to get the name of it. It's just some wheel specific paint I found in the paint section of the local auto parts stores (they all seem to have the same stuff). You've seen my painted RT4WD steelies - they look like alloys to me, so I think with proper prep and such the silver paint would make them look like proper silver alloys.

    The white alloys do look a lot better than the stock white steelies. The look could grow on me. Plus so many rally wheels are white. :lol:
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