Rule of thumb:
Doesn't work on some speeds, but does on others? Resistor or switch.
Doesn't work at all? blower motor.
Switch is easy enough to check. As EB said, check for line voltage out at each position. ( I think that's what he said!) If you've got battery volts from the switch in the position in question, check the wiring by seeing if you've got same voltage to the resistor plug. Got it there? Check output voltage. The resistor drops voltage to vary fan speed. High is full power-12V or whatever battery voltage is. Other speeds will be incrementally lower. example:
low 9VDC
2 10VDC
3 11VDC
I'm pulling those figures out of the air, but you get the idea.
Kahuna, you said no fan at all? Run a jumper to the fan motor, just hotwire it. You'll know quick if it's any good.
... or do what we call "troubleshoot with known good part". I would first try a resistor on either of your cars, if they were given to me for repair. Just from experience, resistors fail first.
then you know
Doesn't work on some speeds, but does on others? Resistor or switch.
Doesn't work at all? blower motor.
Switch is easy enough to check. As EB said, check for line voltage out at each position. (
low 9VDC
2 10VDC
3 11VDC
I'm pulling those figures out of the air, but you get the idea.
Kahuna, you said no fan at all? Run a jumper to the fan motor, just hotwire it. You'll know quick if it's any good.
and if you know how to disconnect the connector
it's at the garage right now, otherwise,
i would have taken
some pix, but ey... NOT
will blow respectively 1,2,3,4
hence, M and 6 does not activate fan[/*:m:1gvpomz8]
connecting M and 6 will (a.) light airco-light, pushing
the aircobutton (b.) activates aircosystem
so basically you have to connect two wires attached at M
for test purposes
one for the fan and the other one (M to 6) for the aircosystem
if it does not work on the dash on 1
a. switch
b. lubricate fan spindle,axle,hub,shaft
c. resistor
A , B and C in no particular order
: ) will be assimilated