Non Civic wagon video I made
Senior Wagonist
Before I had Hondas, I had Saturns - 3 of them. I used to hang out on a lot, a Saturn tuning site. Still visit from time to time - the people there are a riot.
Recently they decided they wanted to put a video on the forum's landing page. I said, "I can do that." I took video people had uploaded there, plus some of my own, and mashed it together.
I'm the guy in the dark green SC2 (2 door autocrossing on the runways) and the dark green SL2 (4 door autocrossing and rally drifting through the snow).
Recently they decided they wanted to put a video on the forum's landing page. I said, "I can do that." I took video people had uploaded there, plus some of my own, and mashed it together.
I'm the guy in the dark green SC2 (2 door autocrossing on the runways) and the dark green SL2 (4 door autocrossing and rally drifting through the snow).