oil light came on , wont go off?
Band Wagon
i checked the level and it is fine , light was flickerin then stayed on , no leaks any where , i did "search" and nothing came up on oil light , thanx for any help fellas!
I did change the oil pressure sender first, and the light went away- for a few days.
good luck with the commute, but if you have another ride available I'd take it...
when you drain it also its not going to go completely dry, so you always have more oil.
either way your dipstick is reading too much so adjust the levels before you kill your headgasket
I'm not so sure that would cause the light. The sender is a rudimentary pressure switch, held open by oil pressure. Pressure drops below whatever the threshold, switch makes contact, light comes on. It doesn't know or care if you're overfull. The only scenario I can think of where too much oil could cause low pressure would be if it was soo full that oil was aerated by the crank/pistons etc., but that's farfetched... and you'd be puking oil everywhere.
yeah i do that too, but still the oil remains in the actual oil lines and passage ways. not a ton, but i mean enough.
my oil light came on in my hatchback when the oil level was low, so i dont see why it wouldnt come on if it was too high.
my oil light came on in my hatchback when the oil level was low, so i dont see why it wouldnt come on if it was too high.[/quote]
because it's an oil PRESSURE light, not an oil LEVEL light.
Yea, I'd still try to spend some time this weekend looking into it.
3.5... 4... makes no difference. everyone is over reacting. put in 5, ya you might have problems.
- Mike
I suspect a oil pressure sending unit. Is it hard to replace this? I will also have the oil changed. Do you think I should remove the oil pan and clean the oil pickup strainer?
Not that it has anything to do with oil. In fact, that's my point - completely different issue. One I wish I could solve, though (I admit I haven't really looked into it)
Any suggestions where I can buy the sending unit and the tee fitting so I can install a mechanical oil pressure gauge.