eg front seats?

ok has anyone have done or tired eg seats cause i wanna take mine out and get them redone. thanks pics would help out


  • EG's won't work but Ef sedan will with a little modification you just need to use the wagon rails
  • BABY JBABY J New Wagonist
    Almost any seat will work w/ custom rails.
  • yeah but how much custom is what i wanted to know
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    good question. del sol seats have been modded a couple times to work in the wagon, not sure how close EG seats are to Sols. i dont know of any board members with EG seats in their wagons....
  • wagodizzle wrote:
    good question. del sol seats have been modded a couple times to work in the wagon, not sure how close EG seats are to Sols. i dont know of any board members with EG seats in their wagons....

    I picked up some free EG seats this weekend and thought I would try and put them in the 88 wagon.

    It really didn't want to go in at all and I even tried swapping the seat pans but it just wasn't going to work. I'm not sure if it's because of the weirdness of the '88 seats but even after taking the seat pans off it still wouldn't work. The EG seat have one bolt on the side that holds it together which isn't on the wagon seats. I noticed that my old drivers seat has one long bar at the bottom and couldn't get the seat to fit right.

    It might work differently or better with newer model seats but I wasn't able to with my seats.

    Here's someone's write up on putting EG seats in their CRX.
  • im just going to try if it workers there will be a post
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