Honda Head Gasket Bulletin

So I was ordering some parts today to replace my head gasket on my 88 RT4WD along with my water pump and timing belt. I read a Honda bulletin that talks about using a special head gasket and head bolts when replacing a leaking head gasket, Part #90005-PM3-004 for head bolts and Part # 12251-P01-004 for the head gasket is what is recommended in the Honda bulletin. What I want to know is this really necessary, a good idea, or a must to fix coolant loss?? The head gasket and bolts are very expensive compared to OEM replacement. So I am asking the pros at this site for your help, suggestions, links, write ups or anything that would help, this is my first head gasket replacement on a Honda. Thanks for all the help.
Depending on the price of these "special" Honda head bolts(Sorry I aven't read the bulletin so I have no imformation about these), I would go with ARP The website doesn't have prices but if you do a search you can probably find a price. Might be cheaper than OEM Honda. Same with the headgasket, Cometic makes good head
gaskets also.
Sorry, I'm rushing this a bit 'cause I'm heading to the beach right this instant...
D16a6s originally came with a composite head gasket. They didn't hold up as well as Hondas were known to do...leaking head gaskets were not unheard of at 100k. Honda switched to all metal head gaskets. Coincidentally, these weren't a new part. They just started using the head gaskets from the D16z6(92-95 si). Which are reasonably priced.
San Leandro Honda lists 12251-P08-004 for $52.
ARP head studs and the oem all metal gaskets have proven to be an excellent solution for D-series rebuilds, even mildly boosted applications.
$23.22 as seen here:
Click Me
Here's the exploded pic from their website:
I used this exact gasket when I built my 11:1CR D16A6 about 4-5 years ago, and it still runs 100% perfect to this day and powers one of our own HCW wagons owned by Dcmullis.
Here's something I did that I might suggest though - I actually used the 1996 Civic head boltv torque specs since the gasket is metal, and requires a different spec than the original fiber gasket the D16A6 has.
The tightening sequence i used is a FOUR step process:
1. 14ft-lb.
2. 36ft-lb.
3. 49ft-lb.
4. 49ft-lb. on two center bolts
If any bolts make noise when tightening, remove and start again. Dip threads in engine oil prior to dropping them in the holes to be tightened.
I will have to say that I've never been a big fan of replacing blown head gaskets due to overheating though. a lot of times if an engine has been overheated badly enough to pop a head gasket it was also heated enough to warp the head deck surface, which can be milled, but also untold damages occur to the rings, bearings, and block deck surface may also be warped, win which case the gasket will never seal without decking the block.