S3 flashes in my automatic rt4wd wagon

ok.... the first time this happen was like two months ago, the s3 light on the cluster start flashing even when the car was on drive.... i put it on neutral and kept flashing the s3 symbol. two months later, yesterday, started doing the same for the whole day... i do not know what is it. i hope is something just with the cables because i do not feel anything bad when it shifts. any idea guys.


  • G man, flop out your diaphragms ...

    ? !

    you know what i mean ..
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    do a search dude, this was already answered once.

    also its in the owners manual
  • please let us know what it was, for the happy end

    New logo suggested:
    SPOONfed by international honda civic wagon club

    : )
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    ok after searching for the past 10 minutes i cant find the thread soooo...

    it means, your tranny is on the fritz and you need to have it checked out. basically.
  • astutoastuto Wagonist
    i do not have the owners manual, i bought my car in an auction. it happen like two months ago like for couple minutes after i shut the car down then i turn on the car again and the s3 was not flashing but after i start driving it it started doing that after 5 minutes. then it did not happen until now but yesterday did not do anything of that... weird shit but next week my car is going to the body shop so im going to ask the guy why is happening this... it has to be some cables stuff hopefully because i dont feel any change when it shifts
  • searching can be a tedious way of looking for a solution ?

    did you checked your fluid for instance ...
    if you change fluid, strongly suggest hondamatic <---
    checked your ECU
    checked your sensor and cables from and to the tranny

    btw Wago, i found a thread you mentioning s3 but s4 ?
    http://www.hondacivicwagon.com/board/vi ... ght=tranny
    so search does work in its own funny ways

    : )
    http://www.acura-legend.com/vbulletin/f ... 1-a-31385/
    nice thread to give you an idea, but halfway stated, blinking s3 is electrical
  • astutoastuto Wagonist
    first someone asshole stole shit from my car and now i have to take it to the mechanic to check my tranny sucks... but the funny part is just shows once in a blue moon... like it show twice in the past two months... im just gonna ask how much will be to fix if its that bad.. becuase im planning to swap to stick my wagon but still is my only ride
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