FINALLY got my 87 rt4wd!

I had stopped lookin for a wagon in my area for a while. Of course thats when my new baby rolled into my life. A client of mines bussiness partner picked him up in it one day and I joked if he wanted to sell her. He said that he had just inherated it from his gramps (the first and original owner) but...he might need the moey for his bussiness soooo...he said he would think about it. Well that was in the winter time...spring sprung and then summer. I get a call, its him! "Sooo are you still interested in the wago..." (I cut him off) YES! (swave I know lol)...a few days later I got her. Only payed $1650 CAD. Shes a little rough but quite good...oh yah the best part...91000 ORIGINAL km's! Just got one pic right now but many more to come guys...



  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    nice! looks to be pretty clean :D congratulations mang ;)
  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    hooray! nice find. Super low mileage (kilometerage?)... The body looks to be pretty clean. Congrats.
  • Looks really good especially for a canadian car. Good find. 8)
  • EDwEFprtsEDwEFprts Senior Wagonist
    i dig it.
  • RallywagonRallywagon New Wagonist
    Looks really good especially for a canadian car. Good find. 8)

    ur tellin me! i had given up lookin for a replacement wagon for years. i got tired of cryin to myself every time i went to go check one out and it was a couple of days from the grave (body wise). let this be a lesson to all...dont be shy or imberassed to ask someone if theyre sellin something. heck i do it all the time...just today i ended up finding a guy willin to sell a spare Citroen that my dad had bin lookin for years. the guy was at a stop sign and i asked permission to take a pic of the car...the rest is history! lol!
  • RallywagonRallywagon New Wagonist
    i know this is a little off topic but for those who dont know the car im talkin about here it is...

    the Citroen traction avant...the first front wheel drive car.
  • RallywagonRallywagon New Wagonist
    as soon as i get her back from the "doctor" i'll get a buncha pics up...she needed the cv's replaced...not too bad.
  • akiraboyakiraboy Founder
    I never knew that, I thought the first front driver was a General Motors or MG
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