Leather Steering Wheel

I like to refurbish, clean mine...

How ?

: )

Anyone in for a game of domino...?


  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    use some leather upholstery cleaner or something. im pretty sure that would clean it up nicely.
  • And no sticky sniffy hands afterwards ?
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    thats entirely up to you :lol:

    wear some gloves lolz
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    No i think he is wondering if it leaves a residue.

    That is the same steering wheel that my Shuttle had, its the regular wheel with a leather wrap glued + stitched on. Mine started deteriorating hardout and the leather was leaving black marks on my hands. In the end i just ripped the wrap off and cleaned the wheel with de-grease-it.

    As long as you dont use too much cleaner you wont get much of a residue.
  • Well, i hardly touch it (PS), highway i tend to stear with one finger.

    it's good to know, stich and glue. I dont think im going to keep this car that long.
    This baby already has cost me 8k, the redline is 10, but i must say
    it satisfies me, it truly is a remarkable car, amen

    for i have driven many many many...

    : )
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    buy an aftermarket wheel man. they look better then the stock ones anyways imo.
  • thnx : ) so that what is bothering me
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    buy an aftermarket wheel man. they look better then the stock ones anyways imo.

    pshhhhh bulllll

    Honda made some beautiful steering wheels in their day. for example, the 3-spoke Si wheel, of the 4-spoke RT-4WD wheel. delicious. or, you can go with an '89 prelude steering wheel, also pretty sexy.

    i had an aftermarket BS steering wheel and i got tired of it REAL FAST. sold it after a couple weeks lolz.
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    haha i never said honda didn't have good looking stearing wheels, i dunno what he likes. i was just giving him some cheap ideas.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    problem with cheap is, that, well its.... cheap catch my drift?
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    yeah, that is true. but i mean, those steering wheels on ebay look pretty sturdy, not too comfortable, but sturdy.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    i bought one of those ebay steering hubs and it was a POS. :x go figure :roll:
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    they can't be too great or they'd cost a lot more.
  • silly, i cant remember the s-wheel, my dad has a 89 prelude stashed somewhere, i'll have a look one of these days.

    I assume it fits, dizzy, w'll see
  • stephenstephen Senior Wagonist
    anyone have an 89 prelude steering wheel? i was looking for one....they had one at pull apart one time i was there and i was in a hurry and didnt get it. i went back for it and the car was gone =( the 89 is the 3 spoke right?
  • yep, eurotrash is ...

    : )
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