Yellow valve cover?

So I wanted to do something different on my valve cover and I had some yellow paint here...

What do yall think? I don't know if I like it or not....




And the newest edition:


  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    make it Gold. or Red. the yellow just doesnt really go with anything else on the car. just my 2 cents
  • wagodizzle wrote:
    make it Gold. or Red. the yellow just doesnt really go with anything else on the car. just my 2 cents

    i agree.
    my suggestions white or gold
  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    i love it; i think it looks great...
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    BillBoard wrote:
    i love it; i think it looks great...

  • astutoastuto Wagonist
    BillBoard wrote:
    i love it; i think it looks great...

    x3 lol
  • BillBoard wrote:
    i love it; i think it looks great...

    i 2nd that, makes times 4 and 5,

    1 and 1 ....mmmm equals....hmmm more...

    and counting.....up with the ?

    : )
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Kahuna the yellow looks good but there needs to more yellow elsewhere to balance it out. The guys are right though, gold wheels + gold valve cover would look good.

    Eagle... i laugh everyday. Like seriously every day because of the things you say. Keep it up! :lol:
    make it PINK like wagodizzles super meshs
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    Haydz wrote:

    Eagle... i laugh everyday. Like seriously every day because of the things you say. Keep it up! :lol:
    same here dude, half the tme i have no idea what he says... but its fresh, haha.

    keep it up fo sho :lol:
  • davensdavens familEE
    looks fine...lose the skunk2 sticker tho.
  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    BillBoard wrote:
    i love it; i think it looks great...

    i 2nd that, makes times 4 and 5,

    1 and 1 ....mmmm equals....hmmm more...

    and counting.....up with the ?

    : )

    im not sure if this makes sense but i like it...
  • I chopped it, and i prefer the yellow instead of matching the gold rims or
    the white...

    Its good for contrast, it's a highlight and sits beautifully next to the red,
    black, and that little snif of green in the lacks a touch of blue.
    but i'm colorblind...for that, i say you've hit that spot just right.
    Even more, this is a picture, your' looking at the real thing, thats a hell of
    a difference...but if i ever going to do my -bay, sure as hell i'll copycat
    your setup in different ways...thanks for the inspiration...your my man...
    thats what i think

    btw, do i have something in my eye or is there a bold missing top left ?
    : )
  • KahunaKahuna familEE
    I was waiting for someone to notice that..

    It broke when I was finishing up a valve adjustment.. It doesn't leak so I haven't changed it..
  • KahunaKahuna familEE
    make it PINK like wagodizzles super meshs
    That is what I was going to do till I found the yellow.. I think I like it, it's growing on me..
  • 0_o Free of charge
    Your Image


    White to me says: this is my car and...oh, btw..., thats my engine.
    Yellow screams: nice car Kay, and !!f*ck man, whats that engine?!

    ? Gold you say? ...ehmmwell its not a Rolls Royce ? : )
  • astutoastuto Wagonist
    i like the white one
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    the white would get so dirty so fast.

    i vote gold if you change it, there isn't much gold besides the rims, so it's match fairly well. if it was white, there would be too much white going on.

    i like the yellow as it is, who cares what matches, be tacky.

    but if you do change it, go gold. :wink:
  • I think you should keep the yellow valve cover and get rid of the red sock on the right fender and put some black plug wires on.
    White one.
  • KahunaKahuna familEE
    It has been white and I didn't much care for it..

    The red plug wires aren't on there by choice, it's what was on the motor when I got it.. They are some Japanese brand.. I don't really have the money to change em right now..

    Haha I'll pull the sock off i'm sure, i just stuck it there cause it was free and it's JDM tyte yo!!!

  • Kahuna wrote:
    The red plug wires aren't on there by choice, it's what was on the motor when I got it.. They are some Japanese brand.. I don't really have the money to change em right now..

    Haha I'll pull the sock off i'm sure, i just stuck it there cause it was free and it's JDM tyte yo!!!

    Cool. I just thought it'd look a little better if you took some of the variety out of the equation because the black/yellow contrast works good.
  • Personally, I like yellow:

    Wish I could find a decent pic of the four under the hood. The only one I've got is HUGE.

    I think your yellow valve cover adds a lot of contrast. Very attention grabbing.
  • jarmersonjarmerson New Wagonist
    What in te world is that under your seats???
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    batteries for the electric wagon. tight 8)
  • jarmersonjarmerson New Wagonist
    I could guessed that, but in this thread, it kinda just popped up outta nowhere. randomness
  • Sorry; wasn't trying to be random or to threadjack. Under my hood looks similar to Kahuna's because one of my batteries is roughly in the same place. (I've got more yellow, but still...) I'm just trying to give him some support: I like the yellow. It's attention-grabbing. It makes people way "WTF is that?" wherever they see it in my car.

    I think it does the same for his valve cover. You just can't miss it.
  • jarmersonjarmerson New Wagonist
    If you want to throw pics of your EV wagon on here, do it right, gimme more! I want details.
  • FSC4wdFSC4wd familEE
    Yellow is sick. Your cars exterior and bay are mostly white and black which is all neutral. keep to primary colors(red,yellow, and blue) under the hood and you've got a winning scheme. Kind of like a Herman Miller piece.

    scroll down.
  • shenrieshenrie Council Member
    I like it. Breaks up the scheme a little. Id roll it.

    Id also like to see some full car pix. Is there any posted on the site? If so, link me up.
  • unlimited02unlimited02 Senior Wagonist
    i like gold and red... they look jdm... but if u want to be crazy looking 50's aqua... J's racing blue... etc...
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