Andy's NW RT4WD

Some of you have seen it but I thought I'd post in the members rides section.

some fresh pics... fresh wash and wax on 6-7-08 without the roof rack on

some fresh pics... fresh wash and wax on 6-7-08 without the roof rack on

What kinda plans are you making for it?
you know it would look even neater with a Forum decal
I just saw you post about the forum decals. I would really like one. Keep one on hold if you can.
on the other hand northwest_war_wagon is starting this small club for the NW wagoneers and he was in the process of having some decals of the club name made, just waiting to be printed.
sorry for the bad cell phone pic. when i get them on the car i'll take better pics.
any tips on prepin chrome for paint :?: :?:
Honestly never done, or thought about it. Now that I am thinking about it, I would say you should think about having them sand blasted.
Might google that or something.
that sounds like one hell of an idea... i'll keep ya posted if I find somethin. ... 223AAX3zte
Chrome is hard to get rid of once you have it. Scuffing followed by rattle can is gonna be your best bet with out mediablasting. Just make sure and use a color thats easy to blend cause they are gonna rockchip really easy.
what exactly is mediablasting? i've heard of it before, but never really understood what it is or how it's done.
that probably will cost quite a bit of money...? right now i can't use these wheels that i bought cuz of the chrome peel on the inside of the rim, it's not creating a good seal.
that's a good idea... the only problem i have with that is the only chrome shop around here i use to work at and they don't like me too much seeing that i quit!!
Swallow your pride..... it's for the wagon
The only other thing I can think of is having the tires dismounted so I can start tryin to scuff the chrome and get anything off that is loose and chipping then painting them. All in good time.
PLEASE reconsider the wheel choice. No matter what color those wheels will always be more "gangsta" than clean IMO.
I'm not being an ass, or trying to belittle you - I'm just posting an honest opinion.
The RT4WD stockers are actually bad-ass.
it's cool. i appreciate the opinion. I only have 3 of the 4 RT steelies though.
Or send in your girlfriend in a low cut shirt with specific instructions. Works wonders around here.
that would work if I had one!!
those painted black would look pretty... with a drop of course.