How do I remove the following(dash air vents)?

The entire clock console shown below. and all the air vents??
thanks guys.



  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    the center vent pops out, the side vents are nearly impossible to remove without breaking...
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    wagodizzle wrote:
    the center vent pops out, the side vents are nearly impossible to remove without breaking...

    got the centervent out.

    the sides >.< crap.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    btw, you have a gray interior. not blue ;)
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    it looks blue if you stare long enough. :roll:
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    ha ha ha
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    i'm kinda going crazy with the red vinyl paint.

    it works REALLY good, but if anyone uses it, sand a bit first or it'll be spotty and bubble.

    i'll post pics when i get the chicka's? (spanish?) camera back.
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    red interior?! :shock:
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    good, bad?
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    IMO, beyond bad.
  • chicka's? (spanish?)

    "chica" for a girl, "chico" for a boy.

    You can also say "chiquita" for a small girl and "chiquito" for a small boy.

    Both words "chiquita" and "chiquito" mean "very small" and they are gendre specific. By extension they are used to describe small children, female or male.

    Spanish is alot like French as you have to make sure the word is male or female and singular or plural. The adjectives and verbs also follow that rule.

    English is quite simple to learn and conjugate compared to Spanish or French. No wonder it has become the "lingua franca"* of the 21st century

    * any language widely used beyond the population of its native speakers. The de facto status of lingua franca is usually "awarded" by the masses to the language of the most influential nation(s) of the time. Any given language normally becomes a lingua franca primarily by being used for international commerce, but can be accepted in other cultural exchanges, especially diplomacy.

    But I digress... !!
  • 949949 Senior Wagonist
    ... then whats a chimichanga? a monkey girl? :oops: :roll:

    just messen, i really dont know anything... :shock:
  • akiraboyakiraboy Founder
    The entire clock console shown below. and all the air vents??
    thanks guys.

    The side vents do pop out, I don't believe they screw in, its been a while but I am pretty sure I used small hook tools to pry it out.

    In fact if you look real close at the sides you can see the plastic clip portions from within the vent, again its been a while forgive me.

    Aso, be careful pressing against the dash as it may be aged and easy to crank/indent.
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