Any tips on removing window tint when it is on the hatch?
As you may have read, I am finally getting around to installing a new hatch on my wagon.
However, in prepraration for this, I first want to remove the remaining window tinting on the hatch.
My concern in doing this is that the tinting also adheres to the defroster lines on the hatch.
Any tips on removing window tinting in such a situation?
The link below is for a technique that seems easy... and fun, at least the beer part should be. LOL
However, in prepraration for this, I first want to remove the remaining window tinting on the hatch.
My concern in doing this is that the tinting also adheres to the defroster lines on the hatch.
Any tips on removing window tinting in such a situation?
The link below is for a technique that seems easy... and fun, at least the beer part should be. LOL
Comments ... php?t=2719
This sounds about right...
Duh... forgot to add... ... y%2c-chea/