Upgrade Sound system - Suggestions pls

Hello Everyone,
I wanted to see if anyone would care to share any pics of the sound systems they have in their wagons. I've been driving my wagon as my daily driver for quite some time. Whenever I get in my Evo the speakers seem to be so much better. So with that said I think its time to upgrade. I'm not looking for anything too loud as its not my style but something better than what I currently have. I still want to keep most of my trunk space & spare. A friend of mine had a 8in sub and it was just the right amount. I was also wondering if a 8in sub would fit in the rear speaker pods. It seems like it would but I'll have to double check.
If you have pics of a simple and clean set up please post pics. I would like to get some ideas.
Thank you all.
I wanted to see if anyone would care to share any pics of the sound systems they have in their wagons. I've been driving my wagon as my daily driver for quite some time. Whenever I get in my Evo the speakers seem to be so much better. So with that said I think its time to upgrade. I'm not looking for anything too loud as its not my style but something better than what I currently have. I still want to keep most of my trunk space & spare. A friend of mine had a 8in sub and it was just the right amount. I was also wondering if a 8in sub would fit in the rear speaker pods. It seems like it would but I'll have to double check.
If you have pics of a simple and clean set up please post pics. I would like to get some ideas.
Thank you all.
Get some infinity kappa speakers and then you won't need a sub.
For small subs, I once considered using these tangbands. They supposed to sound quite impressive and if you google them you can find a few videos. To make them worthwhile they should be placed in a box that was designed with them in mind.
6''/150mm O.D. Minimal modding(cut rib(s) &hack OEM spkr mounting studs).
7.5''/190mm OD. Same mods as above ,but more plus designing mounting brkts for 2 of the mounting post that hold the pod halves together.A interior mount would require more work.A exterior mount would be much easier.
:idea: Another place worth checking is the side panels (under the last side windows).Pull the panels out & see.I think there are holes on the side in the sheet metal for the sub depth.Just stick some acoustic tar paper on the inside side body panels.If u want seal off as much of the area for more bass.
:idea: Or build a spare tyre sub box that'll fit into the spare like in the RSX,then u can do something like a 1O''+ sub.
I should have added that i was talking about the back doors and that you'd need custom pods.
are those 10's or 12's?
i'm thinking about making something like this for my wagon. if you don't mind me using your idea?