Rev limiter

Sup there fellow wagoner's . I've got aproblem I need some advice on ,my newly purchased PM-7. When the car is relatively cold (start up on) the rev limiter goes off @ 6800, Once it warms up the limit is @8300. All that is fine and dandy but when I cooled down between rounds last thursday night @ the local 1/8 mile the limiter went off @ 6800 the next round. Is there some way to override this feature or should I just keep the car running all night while waiting in the staging lanes?Its a EDM CRX SI ECU THat I got from Wagodizzle on my ZC 5sp.


  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    its prolly a "safety" feature that keeps the cars engine from over-revving while the engine is cold (since thats not really good for it)..

    you might be able to get it chipped or something at a tuner shop..

    ..other then that.. how you liking the PM7?
  • Love the PM-7 dude! Engine runs much smoother and has better accelleration. It also makes all the difference to be able to shift @ 7500. It really pulles hard up there.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    glad to hear that mang :wink:
  • Did you ever use it in one of your wagons?
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    yeah, sorta... well, not really. haha... i tried it to see if it read the same codes as my PM6 during my MPFI swap trouble but thats about it. i never actually drove with it. ....i guess i should have tried =( oh well.
  • What made you choose the PM-6 Instead?
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    i guess just from people saying it will run better for my engine since i only have a SOHC. i heard that the PM7 would run rich on it... never tried it though, i guess i sorta regret that, hahaha
  • OK I didn't realize U were SOHC guy. No Rich probs here. Iwould really like to be able to override this dang limiter . I have done some weight reduction and some other stuff to try to better my time this week.
  • I would just keep the car running, or start it up 10 minutes before it's your turn.
    Your engine won't last long if you keep going to the rev limiter with a cold engine.
  • :) Yeah I know its not that i'm killing it while its ice cold, it will still read normal operating temp when this happens its almost like its a timer type device. idk? Any way I always cool my Big Block Oldsmobile/1260 KZ Drag bike/ LT1 Z28 between rounds , so its just second nature to cool it . It also helps my weak ass stock replacement clutch cool to avoid so much slippage.
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