RaginBull: Hot Import Night Shots 3-08-08 and New Projects

Hi Guys, haven't posted in a while. Figured I post some update shots along with my new projects. Here are some shots from yesterdays HIN here in San Mateo, CA.

some ladies with the EE:

So I sold my STi, bought this instead:

And this......

thanks for looking!

some ladies with the EE:

So I sold my STi, bought this instead:

And this......

thanks for looking!

Thanks NJCIVICWAGON1! Got cold feet when it actually came down to selling it
Thank you sir!
nice M3!!! goshhh.
You have a Civic That looks better than mine.!!!!
Then a Mr2 thats looks than mine too.!!!!
I seen your car on Mr2oc.com
I'm a HATER!!!!!!
I guess thats a compliment
glad to hear you kept the wagon
Thanks man!
Thanks man..I appreciate it!
By the way
I hate you too
i must ask...what does thow to for a living ragin?!?
Awesome! Thank you sir! Can you tell me anything about the wheels that are on my cabby? I was told that they are RSL cults. Never seen them here in US. The guy I bought the car from said he had the wheels imported from Germany.
I appreciate it. I'm an IT Network Consultant. Been in the industry for over 11 years now. Pay isn't outstanding but its decent enough to support my habits (cars) I guess LOL. :oops:
all are very clean!
That is the correct name for them. They run about 600 euros over here with tires (used), which is pretty close to a grand these days. You can get them in 13, 14, and 15. You can get them from 7,8, and 9 inches wide also. They are still available new.
Thanks Ragen...do they make them to fit Hondas as well :P . I would love to put a set of 13s on my wagon hahah. I haven't tried these on my wagon yet, but from my experience in the past the vdubs center bore is smaller than the hondas. We could fit honda wheels on vw but not vice versa.
I have a set of 13x7 et 10 ATS classics here if you want some 13's. I was thinking some of the guys running 13 inch steelies here would like a nice set of 13 inch rims to toss on their car.
Hmmm...are these the ATS Classics your talking about?
If so I think they are hot. Will they fit hondas or vw only. I may be interested. Thanks!
well, i am willing to lowball myself and trade my 13" steelies for those wheels you have on the wagon right now.
Heres a link to all the oem center bore hub specs
http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.com ... erence.cfm
Yes those are the exact wheels I have. I was running them on my old Kadett-C. I have been keeping them around in the hopes that I would buy another one but have since aquired a AE86 so I won't be going old school German but old school Japanese (make my Japanese family happy).
My wagon is at stock height in that pic. The Germans love putting these super small wheels on their cars over here.
Just remember the dollar sucks at the moment and I get everything in Euro.
Here are some 1977 BBS mesh I just found.
Hey Raginbull sorry for crapping in your thread. 8)
There was a guy on eBay that sold a similar set that had polished lips. I think the final bid was around $250, but I missed that auction