New Member Blueshift

Hello brethren!
I bought a 1990 wagon about a year ago as an automatic:nightmare:. I converted it to manual:encouragement:, 99-00 Si wheels, couple minor thingies. It's a 1.5 standard model (base or DX, w/e they say). Just looking for it to be a nice clean ride atm...
That is until I weld and caulk it watertight in preparation for the next stock crash :hopelessness:
If I understand the rules correctly I'll start an appropriate thread in Rides Forum and post pics (as soon as I figure how to post pics)..
I bought a 1990 wagon about a year ago as an automatic:nightmare:. I converted it to manual:encouragement:, 99-00 Si wheels, couple minor thingies. It's a 1.5 standard model (base or DX, w/e they say). Just looking for it to be a nice clean ride atm...
That is until I weld and caulk it watertight in preparation for the next stock crash :hopelessness:
If I understand the rules correctly I'll start an appropriate thread in Rides Forum and post pics (as soon as I figure how to post pics)..
I use for posting pictures. Definitely get some posted up!