Thread request - how many wagons are left on the road ? (88-91) USA

I searched but I cant find it Idek if anyone remembers it but if you do lmk! Delete if this isn't ok

details were something along the lines one of the members worked at the DMV and was able to look it up or something to that effect.


  • Macan724Macan724 Band Wagon
    That's a good question klum. Are you implying there actually was someone with that info? If so, I'd be interested in that as well.

    If there is a database that has that kind of information, it probably only states how many 88-91 Honda Civic wagons are currently registered, not how many are on the road. Forgive me if I'm being too literal.
  • There was a member who worked for a company that compiled VIN data for other companies. He did a search and came up with some registered VIN numbers in 2010 for 88-91 models. I think I have it somewhere and will post it if I can find it.
  • I remember seeing that post! I'll start digging.
  • Never saw anything back from the OP, so assuming he wasn't able to get a hold of newer numbers. So safe to say the numbers shown are a decent bit higher than real life, now 6+ years later.
  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    I'd buy ya a beer if you were in CA! good man!
    alright lets get that stickied now lol and maybe we can minus or plus whenever we wreck or save one from a yard or something ??
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