Jdm ef5 seats

I'm looking to purchase some Jdm ef5 seats but am not sure if they will bolt into my 88 wagon or if I will have to do a pan swap. I've searched and can't seem to find out any information. I had a 88 civic hatch and the Jdm ef9 had the same rails as 88-89 usdm hatch and bolted right in. Would this be the same case with he wagons? Thanks
For 2WD I think the answer is, yes with some modification. Likely want to stay year specific. RT4WD is a NO, but I have a DIY to swap seat pans.
I can take some pictures when I get home or PoozMcguee could post up some pics if he sees this.
Why would you purchase the whole EF5 seat when you could just buy the outer skin and save shipping? We'll confirm if its all the same shit and let you know.
Superhatch, EF5 = Shuttle/Sedan. He is not referring to hatch seats.
But you can build brackets to bolt 88 sliders to 90+ seatpan
Gotcha. Do they have some special bolstering vs. the Si seats? I tried to look them up but 'EF Seats' turns up a host of images regardless of the # you put after EF.