differences between '87 and '91

Hello...I am trying to buy my first wagon in the next few days. I have my eye on a '91 FWD with only 120k. However i just located an '87 RT4WD with 155k in my vicinity. I am not pimping this car out, I just want to drive it for the rest of my life. Can anyone tell me the differences between these two models, other than the obvious 4WD difference. Does either have more or less problems than the other? Harder to work on? Huge difference in gas mileage? I'm assuming that with studs a FWD will climb trees in the snow like my '95 hatchback does. Correct?
Thanks for your help! Soooo looking forward to owning a wagon.
Thanks for your help! Soooo looking forward to owning a wagon.
I have an 87. It's awesome. However, I work on it a lot and it's not super-easy to find parts... but they are out there. The RT4WD for 87 has a 6 speed trans. It has a Super-low gear and then the regular 5 plus reverse.
The mounts on the two cars differ however there are mount kits our there to mount a more modern D series into the 87 chassis. However, you will then need to work around the carb'd to fuel injected issue.
There is a ton more info to provide. Just message me if you have any questions.
Summary: The 91 is great and will be easier to deal with. However, an 87 with the RT4WD in decent shape is pretty rare and awesome if you don't mind dealing with carbs, lower aftermarket support, and owning a car with a lot of unique parts on it.
Good luck, either way you go.
- Pat