Spitting Oil and Lots of SMOKE!!!!! HELP

okay when I first got my wagon it wasn't smoking bad only when I start it up but then it goes away after awhile... my uncle had some friends (Mechanics) up in St. Louis and told me they fixed the head! they got it machined... so I went up a couple of days ago to pick it up and bring it home so I can fix it up... when I start it up it smoked like a volcano was about to erupt!!! and I just found out too that it was spitting a lot of oil from the exhaust! the day before yesterday I checked the compression on each cylinder 1-183 2-183 3-201 4-186 and the head look cleaned so they did machine the head! im thinking blown headgasket but I noticed some copper spray on the block where the head and block meet... my friend(mechanic) saying might be valve seals or didn't do the head right... can someone help me?
There is something going wrong in the head so if you just had it redone and it was smoking from the get go I'd question the ability of the mechanics.
I'll assume it wasn't just residual gunk from the install and you gave it a bit of time to try to clear out, and it never did.
So like your friend said, could be valve seals, could be the head gasket. I'll definitely let someone else chime in with some more knowledgeable ideas on it, but it sounds like you're going to be draining everything and pulling that head again.
That 201 psi cylinder is a bit interesting, I think stock 184 so nice numbers otherwise, but if you have to pull everything I'd give that cylinder a good looking over.