I think my engine is fried! Please help!

Hi I've been enjoying a virtually trouble free relationship with my 89 RT wagon for about 3 years now. That is until last night when I let my roommate take the wheel on a road trip and she hit a raccoon which I unfortunately learned a few miles down the road had ruptured the coolant system. The car started running poorly and I noticed the temp was pegged and we promptly pulled over and I had the car towed home. Now the car won't start (it was running until we pulled over and shut it off) and I fear the worst for my beloved waggon. It does turn over but it definitely is struggling as it does. This is my daily driver and I NEED it to join the workforce 5 days a week so I'm kind of screwed right now. I found a replacement engine at JY about 160miles away that supposedly has 150k and a new head gasket and timing belt for $750. Does that sound reasonable? I'm open to swap options if they are truly simple but I've just taken a crash course in engine swap threads on here and they sound like a can of worms I don't have time to open. Does anyone have any advice on the best course of action. My engine was running great before all this and I'm hoping there is some way to salvage it (and my meager savings).
That price you said seems fair if it really has a fresh head gasket and new timing belt. That would be what I would do.