i5 3570k Water Cooler Build from 2012

You guys are either going to think this is totally lame or totally awesome, not sure haha. I'm a huge closet nerd, I had to be since I grew up with a bunch of hicks and work with a bunch of manly men that would make so much fun of me for this. I've been building computers for 10 years now and I'm finally at that point in life where I have a little more money then sense so I figured I would build the baddest computer I could. Its a 1155 socket from 2012 with a i5 3570K. I run a 500GB SSD with 16GBs of ram and for GPU's I'm running two GTX 670's in SLI. With this build I wanted to try some over clocking and water cooling along with nVidia surround on 3 monitors.
Photo's are in sequence.

Organizing where items will fit best

More organizing and hiding wires for a clean look

All together and running

Installing OS

Preping the radiator and water pump

Drilling and fitting radiator and fan wiring

Checking for leaks and removing bubbles

All together

Installing UV LEDS

This is the stable overclock I got. I could have clocked it a lot more but I wanted some longevity out of my chip. It's been running 2 years now and not a single problem. I don't have any photos of the computer with the second GPU it but you get the picture.

I never did upgrade my second two monitors, I use them mostly for peripheral so I don't care so much about they quality especially when Occulus Rift is just around the corner. I'd rather spend the money on the OR. Currently I use Track IR for flight sims and games like Arma. It's bad to the bone. Anyways thought I would share for the fellow nerds out there.
Photo's are in sequence.

Organizing where items will fit best

More organizing and hiding wires for a clean look

All together and running

Installing OS

Preping the radiator and water pump

Drilling and fitting radiator and fan wiring

Checking for leaks and removing bubbles

All together

Installing UV LEDS

This is the stable overclock I got. I could have clocked it a lot more but I wanted some longevity out of my chip. It's been running 2 years now and not a single problem. I don't have any photos of the computer with the second GPU it but you get the picture.

I never did upgrade my second two monitors, I use them mostly for peripheral so I don't care so much about they quality especially when Occulus Rift is just around the corner. I'd rather spend the money on the OR. Currently I use Track IR for flight sims and games like Arma. It's bad to the bone. Anyways thought I would share for the fellow nerds out there.
