im going to take care of the carb to fi problem, i just need to know if i need different mounts than the stock ew mounts, and if so, mounts from where or what???
The 84-87 swap is a slippery slope. Sounds like you've already secided on the fuel injection so I'll skip that part. And the 2wd model relieves significant 4wd compatibility issues.
You've got a twofold problem now.
1. the transmission
2. the corresponding three mounts that are on said transmission plus the driver side engine mount
The stock ew transmission is out.
So what will bolt to a sohc vtec? Anything from 88-00. You decide if you want to deal with the 92+ hydro system or the 88-91 cable setup. But the three tranny mounts do not fit your chassis.
So what about mount kits? Well, I don't think anyone makes a sohc vtec adaptor mount kit for the 84-87s.
Hasport (and a few copies) make the B-series kit. Now just speculating and what-iffing. We all know that 92+ sohc vtec civics can take a B-series engine without the use of a mount kit. So would a Hasport B-kit lend itself to fitting a sohc vtec into the 84-87 chassis? I don't know the answer, but perhaps you could contact Hasport. BrianG has always been very helpful with one off creative projects. But the kit is still $600+.
If I were you, I would take a cue from all the 1g CRX guys. Go with a JDM browntop ZC and tranny. The ZC + tranny mounts all bolt to our chassis. Additionally, it makes 135PS or 133 Hp. It has the additional benefit of being a vacuum advance fuel injection, which is much easier to do then the '88 and later electronic advance.
I agree with Davens, The dohc zc would not be as difficult to do with more torque and about the same horsepower. The wiring wouldnt be any fun at all either. To do the Vacuum advance zc or d16a1, all you would have to do it, get the wiring harness out of a 86-87 hatchback si, swap it in clip the cluster plugs to the wagon cluster plugs, I think you would need to chance a wire or two fro the fan switch, and then you could use the 86-87 integra engine harness and have a fast simple swap car. The mounts arent a issue either, but you have to use your factory wagon passenger side tranny mount. The civic-crx ones are too short, the integra one might not be. then just use the crx. civic si pump and mount in the rear like the factory unit was. plus 2 cams will look awsome when you pop the hood. :roll:
You've got a twofold problem now.
1. the transmission
2. the corresponding three mounts that are on said transmission plus the driver side engine mount
The stock ew transmission is out.
So what will bolt to a sohc vtec? Anything from 88-00. You decide if you want to deal with the 92+ hydro system or the 88-91 cable setup. But the three tranny mounts do not fit your chassis.
So what about mount kits? Well, I don't think anyone makes a sohc vtec adaptor mount kit for the 84-87s.
Hasport (and a few copies) make the B-series kit. Now just speculating and what-iffing. We all know that 92+ sohc vtec civics can take a B-series engine without the use of a mount kit. So would a Hasport B-kit lend itself to fitting a sohc vtec into the 84-87 chassis? I don't know the answer, but perhaps you could contact Hasport. BrianG has always been very helpful with one off creative projects. But the kit is still $600+.
If I were you, I would take a cue from all the 1g CRX guys. Go with a JDM browntop ZC and tranny. The ZC + tranny mounts all bolt to our chassis. Additionally, it makes 135PS or 133 Hp. It has the additional benefit of being a vacuum advance fuel injection, which is much easier to do then the '88 and later electronic advance.