How to remove pin connecting shift rod to transmission?

I'm trying to remove the transmission on my '83 Civic Wagon. I'm at the point where I need to disconnect the shift rod from the transmission. They are held together by means of a pin that's pressed in. I've try whacking it with a punch and a hammer. Nothing. I then got the (I thought) bright idea of using a floor jack and a phillips head screwdriver to simply press it out relying on the weight of the car to hold things in place. Nothing.

Am I just going to have to drill this beast out? And replace it with what? Are the pins available as replacements or do I use something else (nut+bolt, rivet)?


Skip Montanaro


  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    it will come out u just need the right tools for the job. get the car as high in the air as u can get it then get a flat round punch thats a lil smaller than the pin and a good hammer. get some good hits on it and it will come out. after u do a bunch u get good at it.
  • Thanks. Looks like I'll invest in a set of punches tomorrow...

  • HandofBoBHandofBoB New Wagonist
    You can use either an a/c 12mm bolt and a hammer or this technique. You can get a new one from honda if need be. Mine cost me a little over $1. Hope this helps with the bitch pin.

    - Mike
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