Q's on Automatic Seatbelts

The previous owner of my wagon did not like the automatic seat belts...so he decided it would be cool to some how turn them off so they would not work. When I bought the car I tried to get him to explain to me how to turn the back on and he was not very clear. Texted him today and he told me that there is a fuse he took out under the passenger side carpet? I looked under the passenger side carpet and can't find any fuse. Looked in the fuse box on the driver side and couldn't find a spot for the seatbelts...off topic on my fuse box it has spots for a sunroof and power locks? lol I didn't know wagons in American came with that? Please someone help me out with this problem. Thanks.
you can check the positive terminal on the battery . There are fuses there. Might solve your problem.
ill look under my passenger seat this weekend and see if I can figure it out.
I checked the fuses there, and I didn't see anything that would correlate to the seat belts
In other words honda will fix the issue for free?
They come up from the loom down by the battery tray on the left side of the battery. The are routed and held by a wire bracket thing on the air box.
(where you put the air filter in)
1 wire is white with a red stripe, the other is white with a green stripe.(I belive, it's dark outside right now)
They terminate into a fuse holder thing attached to the side of the stock positive battery cable clamp.
That holder holds 2 regular sized 30 amp fuses.
("ATC" size fuses I think and I'm pretty sure they are 30 amps)
You stated no fuses there.
If he cut anything under the dash, good luck there.
You'd probably need like a "etm" to fix that. (Electric troubleshoot manual) it would have every wiring diagram for the whole wagon.
As you can see by my post count, I'm not very active on this forum.
Don't get mad if you have more questions and I don't reply.
Hope this helps, and at least it's a start.
He probably cut those wires to the fuses and removed the fuse holder.
If I was to guess.
Thanks for trying to help me
90 91 auto belts are run via two fuses that are located INSIDE the red cover to the positive battery cable to battery. Replacing these fuses (20 or 30 amp) should fix the issue.
L O L...just ten years late....(grin)